Treating Fibromyalgia with a Serotonin Uptake

by Sentinel 17 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • LyinEyes

    Well I truly consider myself in good company , we are so much more than surviors , we are going to find the zest in life, even if it kills us.....hehe.

    There are so many trigger points in our bodies,,,,,,,little bundles of muscles that can flare up at any time. In FMS,,,,,it is not just the muscles, but the ligaments, tendons that surround them, and the fascia, is that what it is called,,,,,,,that surrounds the muscle . That is why sometimes we feel our bones are hurting, when it is the ligaments, tendons and fascia all around the bone that is the problem. I have arthritis too, so I know bone pain, and the muscle pain seems worse to me. It is such a burning , sharp deep pain.

    I have had to have shots of Demerol to control the flareups, because after days of the pain, I would also be in a full blow 2 day migraine attack.

    There is a book, I can't find it , but it is a blue book, workbook size,,,,,,,and it is wonderful,I got mine at Books A million. It tell you so many things to explain all the weird things going on because of FMS.

    The handwriting, can be bad because of the TP's ( trigger points) being inflamed there. I get that alot.

    Also,,,,,,,yes , I can trace my very worst flare up attacks durning times of my life when things were the worst.......Gawdddddddd, how far I can go back. Childhood stuff, parents fighting, mom on drugs, rehab for her, taking too much responsiblity for a child, my father's stictness and perfectionism. My mom's suicide left me with years of suffering, nightmares and trauma that triggered full blown major depression worse than I ever had before.

    The fibro attacks got worse when my youngest son who is now almost 10 , was born 2 months early, 3 yrs of his life he was at the hospital at least 2 times a week and not expected to live at first.

    When we left the borg,,,,,,,, I started getting better. I have had migraines and attacks , and would have loved to have a shot of demerol or a lortab,,,,,,,,but I was able to hold off. I was able to wait it out and it did pass. I haven had a shot in over 2 yrs.

    I did have a shot of lidocaine in my jaw bone several months ago, but that was for TMJ.

    But really , especially with you Sentinal and Talesin,,,,,,,,you both have alot on your plate right now. You have to stop, relax , breathe, and pamper yourself in some way. Sleep is sooooooo vital. It is hard when you are so used to running 110% all the time, no wonder one burns out........even thou they keep going.

    I can really say the best med I ever tried was Elavil, just 10 to 20 mg, is a small dose but will help you get in that stage 4 sleep that we need. I had to stop taking it because I gained too much weight and it made me want sweets so bad. If i ever get to the point I can't stand the pain, I still have some, and it does help me sleep. Most people take it everyday and get used to the sleepiness side effect. It is cheap and helps more than Prozac for pain in my opinion.

    Best of luck to you all,,,,,,,,if you ever want to talk just send me a PM or [email protected]

  • Richie

    Please check this website on fibromyalgia. You will find answers in finding ways to correct and control this disease:

    Richie :*)

  • Sentinel

    I would have to say that in the three years since getting my own home computer, I have been able, not only to find this forum, but to venture out in all areas of exploration. I did look up Fibromyalgia several times and found some good sites initially, but kind of left it by the wayside, because I was doing so much other stuff. Now I wish I'd just taken the time to do my research. Perhaps I would have gotten some relief. But everything happens for a reason. I had begun to take steps to remove toxins from my body--stopping aspartame completely, and going off some HRT medications, and also deciding to stop taking daily Prilosec. Doctors will continue to refill prescriptions and rarely "listen" to patients. My doctor was very aprehensive when I discussed stopped my HRT. Then I began reading about all the dangers and was glad I did. I have never regreted it.

    The Prilosec was something I took for my ten "healed" ulcers, and because of so much pain and agony, I just kept taking them. The doctors never discussed with me that there could be an additional side affect of affecting my muscles and ligaments. Gosh, that's all I needed. As soon as I researched and found that out, I stopped altogether. There were no side affects from stopping. No stomach problems at all. Seems they had me taking them years past the point where they were even necessary.

    We have to listen to our bodies, get knowledgeable about ourselves, and then begin to make the changes. If our doctor isn't supportive, find a doctor who will "listen". I can see now that perhaps back then, when I was going off those other daily medications, it would not have been the time to go on a new medication. In fact, I was so down on medicine, that I may not have even been open to my doctor suggesting it. Now, with these other medications long out of my system, I can focus on the positive and negative of Prozac. If I have side-affects, I know they come from the Prozac and nothing else.

    Richie, that site is a good one. I always enjoy reading personal experiences of those who "know" what this is all about.

    Dede, I sure do know what you mean about the way it affects every aspect of our life. The times that I pushed myself and did not let others know how bad I was. The migraines that lasted days, and sometimes even an entire week to ten days. (((( Ahhhh, I do know.)))) Years ago, when my doctor of those days thought everything was "in my head" tried putting me on Valium and Immiprimene, and I was like a zombie. Didn't stay on those very long at all. They were just covering up the real problem, of which I was still in the dark about. They say our pain "mimics" real conditions, like broken bones, twisted muscles, arthritis, ..and yes, even heart attack. So, our many trips to the ER, where they found "nothing" was terrible for us to endure.

    I think treatment is very individual, depending upon age, other meds, and circumstances. Elavil worked for you, but you gained weight. It is such an oxymoronic condition that we have to live with. Do this to feel better, but then this is what will happen to you. I know side affects present themselves, but some just have more than others. Finding the right drug is the key. This is my second day, yet I sense that Prozac is already adjusting my serotonin. OR, perhaps it is just the initial HOPE that this will work for me. Whatever, I do feel better today, and I like feeling this way.

    I know this thread will wind down and end, but I do hope that we will all use the PM here or email to let each other as to how we are doing. I'm very interested in each and every one here, and we are especially tied together because of our problems with FM.

    This will be my last post on this thread!! Thanks Everyone!! I'm sending lots of love and lots of hugs.


  • Mulan

    I had that about 10 years ago, and also Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I was a regular pioneer. My doctor put me on an anti depressant and it worked miracles, but he only let me have it for 3 months. I didn't fight him because I also gained 20 pounds on it.

    What helped me ultimately, was building my immune system with a blue green algae product, lots of vitamins and MINERALS (very important to have the right minerals so vitamins will absorb) and losing weight. After two months, I was able to start walking, and my symptoms were gone and never returned.

    (I started doing all the above about two years after I had to quit pioneering)

  • talesin


    I was thinking exactly the same thing about you *smile* how you have so much on your plate, kids, a busy life, working p-t now. Dealing with all the health problems, and still so positive. You're quite an amazing person.

    and Sentinel, you are right - I like to say, I am not JUST a survivor, I am a THRIVER.


    Yes, I went 13 years between this flare-up and my last. It's good to be aware that it's there, just in case it flares up again. I don't do the green stuff, but I eat a special diet and feel as well as you that what we put into our bodies has a lot to do with healing most dis-eases.

    That being said, I would have done ANYTHING two years ago to have found some meds that worked - it was just SOOOOOOO hard! I had just had 4 failed pregnancies and my marriage broke up afterwards; all this in less than 3 years! No wonder the FM kicked in, huh? Tried SSRI's, made me crash, tried Elavil, didn't work, tried etc. etc. etc. Oh well, all better now (well mostly heheh) ...

    Note: just wanted to say that it's so great to have you folks to share information. I have never joined a support group for this problem because any I have met were more into the 'pity party' mentality. But here I see folks taking a pro-active stance about their healthcare. We just don't give up, do we? Right on to all who are struggling with these problems, instead of just laying down and giving up !


  • bikerchic


    I had fibro back in the days when it was just being named. The symptoms came on slowly and not all at once so I dealt with them one at a time until it got so overwhelming and I was practically non functioning. I literally had 2 functioning hours a day. I was miserable and I can totally understand how you feel on the days you have a flare up you long for the days when you just feel crappy, ugg!

    The day I decided I had to seek medical help was at the advise of an "older" sister at the KH. One of those guilt ridden days when I thought I should at least try to go out in service even if I only last an hour. I was in a car group of all old sisters who were be-bopping and hopping from door to door and I was dragging my sorry self and sitting in the car most of the time. Anyhow one of these sisters after listening to my symptoms told me to get to a doctor I was way to young to be having such severe symptoms. That was the beginning of my getting help.

    My family doctor recommended I see a Rheumatoid Arthritis specialist, I made the appointment and was on a 5 week waiting list! Turned out to be a good thing because while I was waiting to see the RA specialist another sister told me of a voodoo, LOL yep that's how she described the Chiropractor I ended up seeing for several years, he was a godsend!

    According to him my liver was almost non functioning and I was in a very toxic state and the toxins were affecting my joints. After a very long treatment with vitamins, minerals and herbs especially one that build up my liver also massage therapy, kinesiology and meditation I can honestly say I'm cured! It's been at least 6 years I've been symptom free. The day I walked into my Chrio's office I thought I would be in a wheelchair soon if he couldn't help me. Who knew I would be doing century bike rides a few years later, I know he was thrilled when he heard what I was doing!

    What helped me ultimately, was building my immune system with a blue green algae product, lots of vitamins and MINERALS (very important to have the right minerals so vitamins will absorb) and losing weight. After two months, I was able to start walking, and my symptoms were gone and never returned.

    Yes Mulan I think it's really the way to go. Had I gone to the RA specialist instead of the Chiro I would have been given steroids and pain killers I know another friend of mine went that route and she is a mess today, she and I sought treatment around the same time for similar symptoms.

    Richie that website is awesome! I've put it in my favorites and will send it to my sister who has fibro.

    Good luck to you all with whatever treatment you seek, but I really urge you to check out the website Richie posted, there is practical wisdom there.



  • BrendaCloutier

    I'm Brenda, and i've had FMS since at least 1992. I was finally diagnosed after a full collapse in 1996. I lost "everything" to FMS, whereas I lost very little to my alcoholism, by the time I got sober.

    I was put on Zoloft for depression caused fatigue (yeah, right) before I was diagnosed FMS. A year after diagnosis, I changed docs and he changed me to Effexor as I had flat-lined on the Zoloft.

    Effexor is both a seratonin reuptake inhibitor, AND a epinephrin reuptake inhibitor. It helps both in energy, with more epinephrin in the system AND helps to reduce pain.

    I went off it for 4 months and attempted suicide because of my inability to handle the greatly increased pain, AND the depression. So for me, I am on it for life. Hey, if it works, why tamper with it?

    I am now on 150mg time released XR. Great stuff, with no more nausea from the higher doses.

    I take Flexaril in small doses at night when necessary for muscle relxation. I hate the hangover from it.

    I take Klonipin (?) (clonazapam) for deep relaxation, too. I also have RLS - Restless Leg Syndrome. it's sort of like playing soccer in bed all night long.

    Keep working with your Rheumatologist. Keep checking out the FMS forums. And keep your chin up! the bad days pass. Unfortunately, so do the good, but they do return.



  • blondie

    Welcome, Brenda! Wonderful info, thanks.


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