American idol

by shera 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sunspot

    **She said last night that she had been suffering with laryngitis and tonsilitis.

    (Speaking about Jasmine) I thought at the time they mentioned that about the laryngitis and tough it must have been for her! Facing a narrowing competiton, KNOWING that blowing one NOTE could mean the difference between staying or HAD to be rough for her!

    These are just KIDS for Pete's sake, and for all the "grown-up" clothes and trappings, I have to remind myself what *I* was like at that age.....VAST difference!!

    I have to give them a LOT of credit, going on National TV and allowing themselves to be criticized (or praised) in front of their peers AND 22,000,000 people each performance!

    *I* used to panic doing "current events" in high school, LOL!



  • joenobody

    Personally I hate Jennifer's false affectations. She seems to overact when performing which I find nauseating. I also think there is a lot of vote splitting going on...

    For example: Camille, Diana and Jasmine are all young and exotic and are dividing fans of that type

    I also think Fantasia, Toya and Jennifer are probably splitting the black woman R&B vote

    The reason Frodo (Jon Peter) and John stick around is that they simply are unique and are not splitting votes at this time. I think eventually Diana and Jennifer will go and the remaining few will be duking it out amongst themselves.

  • Tinkerbell4125

    I too like George! He just seems like a real good guy. I hope he makes it all the way!

  • BeautifulGarbage

    Jennifer Hudson finally showed she could sing. For a while, I wondered why in the heck she was even still there. Last week, her performance was just plain bizarre. Reminds me of when Liza Minelli tried to sing Queen's "We Are The Campions". Of such things there ought to be laws. She has a low tone for a woman, and has to be careful about what she picks to sing. Circle of Life was a very good choice and she sounded great.

    Diane DeGarmo is just too polished for me. Does the girl ever sing an upbeat song that where she doesn't say "Come on, now!"? (obligatory hand wave included)

    That red haired kid?! What is UP with THAT dude? Gramma and Grandad think he's wonderful, but each week I'm starting to think that many of the people that call in for him have the phone in one hand and a crack pipe in another. Give me something exciting! You know, like freak dancing to Perry Como!

    JPL is from Utah and a large family. Obviously, he has the Mormon vote locked, hence his continued presence.

    Fantasia? What in the HECK to those judges see in her?! She has a high pitched nasal squeek that she tries to disguise as a singing voice by strutting around the stage with her ridiculous "don't mess with me" tude'.

    I would like to see Jasmine do better. Her biggest flaw is that she holds back when she sings. She's nervous and self-conscience. That girl needs to GO FOR IT and sadly, she doesn't. It hurts her. Her second rendition of Elton's Don't Let The Sun Go Down was better than the first because she didn't hold back.

    Camille got lucky that she lasted as long as she did. Bye.

    LaToya has had a couple of so-so weeks. She needs to keep singing the songs that display that ultra-powerful set of pipes she possess. I loved when she did the Garth Brooks song. I'm a fan and I hope she does better with her future song choices.

    George! Gotta love George! He barely made it to the finals and was Simon's vote to stay. There is just something I like about the guy. He can sing, he takes risks, and he has grown since the beginning of the program. He did a pretty good "Take me to the Pilot". There is the talent mixed with humility that I find very appealing. Yep, I'm liking The Dip. Regardless if he wins, I think he will do very well when the show ends.

    Other than that, I have NO opinion.

  • wednesday

    i joined the american idol discussion board to find out what is up. What i found out is john stevens, the red headed guy, is a huge fav with many different kinds of people. Not just grandmas and that. He's unique and as someone said, before simon told him to change, was just fine. His music is different than most but i love it. man, he had me downloading sinatra music yesterday. Also, i would love to hear him do "mack the knife"

    what is happening with the voting is : some of the underdogs, JPL, john, camile,jasmine (state of hawaii), have huge fan clubs. When the voting starts, they just sit on the phone and hit redial for 2 hours. that is how some have stayed in so long. And it will continure for a while.Someone has to leave each week and all the fans are frantic to keep their guy/gal in. I voted until my redial was burned out(kidding) for john. I want to hear him sing . He is good. So what if he can't sing mow town? or elton john? apparently no one could sing elton(it was awful tueday night)

    besides john, well i love jasmine voice. unusaul. I find LaToya too smug, george too common, jennifer tries too hard and over acts, fantasia sounds like church music no matter what she does, diane-ok but great, jpl, well he's cute but not having fun anymore. He too is a victim of the judges tellling him to change. he was better when he started.Camile was boring, Amy was great, i hated to see her go. I did not like Matt, the football player, b/c he hated simon and had a bad temper.I thought camile was going to have a break down wed night. Poor kid. It is a lot for their age.

    American Idol is not obscene and is a lot of fun. My goodness, compared to some of the other things with sex and violence, itis amost wholesome. I can't imagine why anyone would consider it obscene. It is the cleanest show on TV.

    anyway, I am waiting for big band night. If john can't pull it off then, well he should go.

    honestly, no one this year is all that talented. It is a boring year.

  • Mulan
    Fantasia? What in the HECK to those judges see in her?! She has a high pitched nasal squeek that she tries to disguise as a singing voice by strutting around the stage with her ridiculous "don't mess with me" tude'.

    I absolutely agree with you on her. She sounds just like the late Nell Carter, and I always wondered how she became successful, because she was awful. (I'm sure she was a nice person though..............) Didn't you love what Tamyra Gray told her last night though, about learning from what the judges are saying and that you will be critiqued by millions when you get out in the business, so don't let one person get to you? I loved it. She didn't look so smug after that one. I really have had enough of her jivey attitude.

    I think Camille did better on her song last night. It was played in a higher key so she could get to the lower notes. I felt awful for her Tuesday night. It was in way too low an octave for her. They both did better last night, but I assume Jasmine was feeling better. Last week she was awesome.

  • BeautifulGarbage

    Ok, I lied, ONE more thing.

    This is something I noticed, especially with the female singers.

    What is UP, with the hand and arm thing?

    Are they actually being coached to do that?

    It's annoying as all get out.

    No, I don't think they should stand perfectly still like a statue, but "wax on, wax off" comes to mind. I did notice it more with Camille and Jasmine. Perhaps, it's a Hawaiian thing. Like, demostrating dance moves while singing. What I find interesting, and a little silly, is I can tell they are trying not to do the same move twice. What is so damn predictable, is that when the song has the word "you" in it, they almost always can be counted on touching there fingertips to there chin/neck/chest area and then extended it to the audience. Then of course, there's always the double hand/double arm extended thing with a little head tilt added for emphasis.

    Geez! I need a life.

  • Mulan
    Geez! I need a life.

    I was just thinking the same thing. How many posts have I done on the American Idol thread? Too funny.

    I think you are right about the hand motions for the girls from's a Hawaiian gesture for hula. My granddaughter takes hula and I've seen her do that in all the dances.

  • wednesday


    man u are observant. and yes, probably do need a life just kidding. i love the show too and am really getting into the american idol discussion board.

    i hope jasmine wins (of the girls) , she has a beautiful unique voice. I am tired of all the singers who sound likethey are in church.

    of course, i do hope john wins, but realistically, all he can sing is his type of music, and since he is not versatile, he won't 't make it. But i bet he can do well in his own genre. I love Harry conick JR. and sinarta.


  • BeautifulGarbage
    Not just grandmas and that.

    I meant specifically HIS Grandma and Grandpa. I remember a few weeks ago his parents talked about how he spent so much time with him, and how close he is to them, and how they are his biggest fans.

    However! I stand by my crack pipe comment.

    He may be different, but different isn't always a good different. He's young. He needs to get knocked around by life a little bit so he can get some SOUL in those songs.

    *Holding Mulans hand whilst we sink deeper into the AI abiss*

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