First question: Why are JW's ridiculed so much?

by 2good2bad 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • 2good2bad

    Do you ever wonder why JW's are the most ridiculed? They are made fun of more than any other religion. It makes me think about Jesus and how he was persecuted and ridiculed for being righteous. If we are living in a kingdom ruled by evil, (Satan) which judging by the events that occur in our lifetime, wouldn't it make sense that anyone who tries to do right would suffer? And those that "go with the flow" so to speak would APPEAR to be in a better position and enjoying the "fruits" of this world?

    It's so much easier to accept the world and not go against society, don't you agree? Remember how hard it was not to sing The Pledge of Allegiance, make a Valentine's Card in class, eat Christmas cookies, smoke, drink, curse, and have great sex, like the rest of your "outgoing" friends were doing growing up? For those that managed to stay within the guidelines and teachings of JW's for so long, it took guts to be different. Yet, when the opportunity to become "free" was given we took it so as to escape the ridicule and the stiffling drawbacks of being a "righteous God-fearing" Christian. But you know what I think about? We complained about being left out, or feeling isolated because we abided by our parents and remained true to our FAITH. WHOOPTIE DOO! How many of us would have the guts and the FAITH to withstand a crucifixion such as Jesus did? I know I would've been just as much of a coward as Peter was because my faith isn't that strong.

    But back to my original point (lol) There has to be something to reason that JW's are ridiculed so much. There also has to be a reason why people who are exposed to the religion are so affected by it that they need outlets to discuss it (like on message boards and there' s a constant debate over what is right, real, wrong, and fictitious.


  • FMZ

    Because they are proud of being total brainwashed dumbasses. I know from experience.


  • funkyderek

    They're not the most ridiculed. They're ridiculed to the extent that people know about them, and the extent that they appear ridiculous. They just like to think they get it worse than anybody else because that "proves" they have The Truth?

  • link

    2 + 2

    Remember how hard it was not to sing The Pledge of Allegiance, make a Valentine's Card in class, eat Christmas cookies, …….., drink, curse,

    You think it’s quite good then to make up your own rules, praise yourself for sticking to them when nobody but you has them and then condemn others for not sticking to the rules that you have made up for yourself?


  • franklin J
    franklin J

    They put themselves in a position to be "differnt" and interpret that as be gods "chosen". They also like to think that they are "persecuted"; again as gods chosen.

  • avishai

    They are made fun of more than any other religion
    Yeah, right. Waht about the Hare krishnas's? The moonies?

  • 2good2bad

    So you admit to being a brainwashed [deleted] So now that you're "free" so to speak, is your brain no longer "washed"? Are you doing your own thinking now? Are you NOT influenced by anything or anyone other than your own guidance? Think carefully before answering that.

  • xjw_b12

    There has to be something to reason that JW's are ridiculed so much

    One reason could be, they troll in here and start threads in really annoying fonts and highlights that make it nearly impossible to read. Of couse jw's do have a thing for highlighters !

  • Valis

    This forum is proof that not all is kosher in JWland. AND they are most ridiculed by people who know what they are doing and want them to either cease or change. If you look around the Internet there are thousands of sites dedicated to dissecting and critiquing almost every religion you can think of. Former members mostly... AND it usually boils down to men doing the most evil in the name of good.


    District Overbeer

  • 2good2bad

    Careful. These are objective questions. I'm merely asking to get opinions. It's not about what I think...BUUUUUUUUUUUT ...since you asked. Not fornicating, commiting adultery, defouling the human body, disassociating yourself from Pagan holidays (Pagans were gods = idolatry (wrong in the bible as well) and all of it's practices, in my opinion, is not "making up" rules.

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