Non Jw Dating a JW

by propel 40 Replies latest social relationships

  • detective

    I think I'm going to start a thread about this so we can have a reference point for non-jws who come here looking for advice about relationships with witnesses. I'd imagine it'd be quite the slap in the face of people who come here in earnest looking to better understand their witness sweeties. The failure rate of these relationships would most likely be staggering!

    Perhaps I'll do that so that people in the situation can really get a sense of their chances.

    propel, zilent. I feel for you both. I've been there. Damn, it still hurts to think about it even though I have one of those extremely rare success stories. Pardon my language, but it absolutely sucked.

  • detective

    okay here's the thread I started. Don't need too many details- just the end result.

  • The Angry Atheist
    The Angry Atheist

    the rules are as follows.

    first there must be seventeen people there to whitness the date. this number is to be entirely jw and cannot have equal number men to wimen. if there is an un even amount or not seventeen peoples, the date will be disbanded.

    Second, yer not allowed to have and fun. if any fun is had the date will be disbanded.

    Third, there shall not be touching of any kind. no party may touch any artical of clothing as well. partys also may not touch objects recently touched. all partys must were sweaters regardless of heat as well. snow pants are smiled apon. if no gamet is worn that completly hides form of body, date will be dibanded.

    Fourth, the activitys the date may consist of must not be of segestive nature ( going to see the lion king, hey, how is Simba made, remember? to sugestive!) they must not be of violent nature ( bowling is right out! to much striking of ball to pins.) and they must not consist of any healthy or active body move ments.( if one partys body were to jiggle, all hell could breack loose). if one partys body attempts to jiggle, date will be disbanded.

    Five,no kissing. blowing a kiss is aceptable as long as said kiss is blown to seperate party and handed to one of the date's active participants.

    Six, date must end befor 6:30 to ensure plenty of time for bible study.

  • Nosferatu

    First of all, welcome to all the newbies who started posting because of this thread!

    I've made up my mind. I won't give up until she want's me to. Wise choice? Definitely not.

    ....and in the end, the non-jw picks up the jw, and carries her off into the sunset. Yep, it sounds nice, but rarely does the romantic, movie-like happy ending ever occur. Most people in this situation end up wasting years of their lives, waiting for the one they love to finally commit to them. If you wanted the wise choice, you would forget about the JW, and carry on with your life, and maybe she'll come to her senses. However, if she doesn't, you haven't wasted your time waiting for her. Love can only work if it's mutual. One-way love only ends up hurting people.

  • sjf84

    I'm sure that if I had come to this website as a non-JW looking for information on this cult when I was dating my JW girlfriend, I would not have taken any notice of a message like this. But I cannot stress this enough to any non-JW in a relationship with a JW: GET OUT NOW!

    It is only natural to believe that your relationship will be different to the other failed relationships between believers and non believers which you read about on boards like these. But I promise it's not. End it sooner rather than later. In fact end it right now.

    Being a JW is so much more than a belief. It's a complete way of life. The sooner you accept that as a non-JW you cannot be with a JW, the easier it is for everyone, especially yourself.

    I dated a JW and I regret it so much. My mistake was thinking that our love - and it really was true love - would be enough to overcome any problems that we had based on our religious beliefs (I'm a dedicated aetheist!!).

    Basically she left the organisation not long after meeting me so that we could be together. About 5 months later we moved in together. And although it was hard for her in that her friends completely stopped talking to her, I was as supportive as I could be, and she was popular with all my friends. We seriously talked about marriage and children, and were very much in love.

    But suddenly, completely out of the blue, she told me she missed her life as a JW, and within a couple of weeks she had moved back in with her parents.

    Now she does not even talk to me, I'm assuming because if she continues talking to me she will not be fully accepted back into this vile organisation.

    I have wasted so much love, so much energy, so much money, so much hope on this relationship. She was brought up as a JW, and I think when this is the case, however hard they may want to escape the Watchtower, they have experienced too much propaganda and too much indoctrination to be able to become a "normal" worldly person.

    I am now trying hard to rebuild my life, which was completely destroyed by this. And although I have cried about her every day since she left, I know I have to be thankful that it was not after we had married as that would have been so much harder.

    Any one in a JW / non-JW should end it now. It just does not work. However wonderful a person you are, a non-JW cannot compete with an organisation which exerts so much mind control over its members, especially when the family of your JW partner is also in the clutches of the watchtower.

    Ultimately the JW will have to choose: you, or the ideas and beliefs which they have spent years being brainwashed with, along with their family and friends. They will always choose the latter.

    Some posts on this site have advised non-JWs to continue with their lives, and not waste time on hoping the JW will come to his / her senses. This is the best advice. Don't waste your time trying to convince them - they are trained to direct their love only to Jehovah (and the Watchtower!).

    Similarly, some posts here have said that maybe the JW will come to his / her senses. Don't count on it though. And from my experience, I would urge all non-JWs to be sceptical that a JW can ever truely become a non-believer. In my case, my girlfriend told me that she was completely over being a JW and that she didn't believe what this cult preached. That turned out to be one of many false statements.

    I cannot emphasise this enough. If it saves just one non-JW from getting hurt this post will be worth it. Leave now. Because these relationships DO NOT WORK.

    All the best to everyone in a situation like me, who has been left destroyed by something like this.

    Simon, a devastated guy in England, but fighting on and looking to the future.

  • Panda

    Welcome to all the Newbies posting here !!! I am amazed that this topic has drawn so many... but I did see this in college too so I really shouldn't be surprized. And the idea that love conquers all is ridiculous. The family conquers all and the fundementalist family cult blows all else out of the water.

    Run --------- Run -------- RUN !!!!

  • jgnat

    There is an easy test to check the honesty of a JW partner. Insist on meeting the family. Check the family's reactions. Do they act nervous, trying to make the best out of a "bad" situation? Or are the family outright hostile? Go to the odd meeting, without committing to a bible study. Be friendly but inconsistent. Does the initial warm greeting become ever more "forced", when it becomes clear you are not interested in joining the JW's?

    Whether the family and/or the congregation are sticklers for the rules or the most liberal of JW's, there is the ever-present prejudice against anybody who does not belong to their faith. If you are not a JW, you are marked as an "unbeliever" or worse. They will either actively oppose you, or if they consider you salvageable, try to make you one of their own.

    Ask yourself if any of them are interested in who you are as a person? This is the community your partner belongs to, whether he/she admits it or not. It is like having the Mother-in-law of your nightmares, sharing your bed with you.

  • paradox213

    What about this situation... Dated ex-JW , I'm not a JW.... had a pregnancy, ex-JW runs back to mommy (JW) leaves me. gets reinstated JW, becomes JW cannot even have any contact with me... the baby is still going to be here.. I have nothing , the kid is getting deprived of his father. PLEASE HELP

  • jeanniebeanz

    Did you make sure that your paternity was recognized? You have rights under the law and if you want to have anything to do with your child, you need to get a lawyer and pursue this *now*. The longer you wait the easier it will be for her to kick you out of your childs life.

    Got a few more details to share? Might help us point you in the right direction.


  • paradox213

    I am the father. She was disfellowship before we met. We dated fo almost 8 months. She got pregnant, moved back w/mom her dad isn't though... She recently got reinstated and has pretty much done everything to avoid the reality of the situation. She seems to be using her pregnancy to manipulate me. I want nothing more than to marry her and be there for my child. I am deeply hurt about the whole thing. I am very much crushed. I need to know how/why someone would go to these lenghts to alienate the one person who was always there for them. She never mentioned the JW until thuings got hard. I did panic when we found out about the baby. I do and have always loved her for her.

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