Be nice to theists - they are victims of their genes

by cofty 70 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Ruby456
    such debates are milestones and it is important to be aware of them to locate where you are so that you can better show how you diverge - that's all. I don't need to read an intro but thanks anyway
  • prologos

    If it is all pre-determined in the genes, why do some current atheists have to jump through so many religious hoops to arrive in their present comfort zone?. 

    perhaps it is really a curiosity gene? - i am just curious. 

  • cofty
    If it is all pre-determined in the genes - prologos

    Nowhere in this thread, or in any recent scientific literature will you find anybody claiming it's all pre-determined.

    I don't need to read an intro but thanks anyway - Ruby

    Is that because you are an expert or because you prefer your personal opinions to inconvenient evidence?

  • talesin

    There is also a strong argument for genetic psychopathy - does this mean that your need to control people's thoughts and feelings is genetic?  Or do you just enjoy mocking religious people and proving you are 'right'?

    Just curious.


  • cofty

    Talesin - How did presenting solid scientific evidence become controlling "people's thoughts and feelings"?

    Religiosity is strongly influenced by genes. This is a fact. There you learned something new today. You're welcome.

  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake
    Religiosity is strongly influenced

    This is the key part being passed over. It's influenced not decided for you. Personally, I'm still not thrilled with that but I'm not going to just say Cofty must be wrong. If, as with many of us, we are all posting here as former or current associates with JWs then it must be conceded where science is concerned we are woefully ignorant. We need to take such subjects objectively and be willing to examine them instead of resort to our brainwashed response of dismissal.

  • cofty
    It's influenced not decided for you.

    Yes. I've been saying that since page 1. Genes don't dictate our actions but their influence is very important. I think its a common misconception that genes just build bodies. Our personalities, tendencies to love, cheat, bond, hate, be violent, introvert, extrovert, believe in god and much more is all part of our brain chemistry which is produced by enzymes that are built by genes.

    There is no single "god gene" or happy gene" or "gay gene". Every feature of our being results from a complex web of genetic and environmental factors.

    When scientists conduct carefully controlled experiments to isolate the effects of genetics the results are startling.

    There are 2 similar species of vole. One bonds with its mate and helps with rearing the young. The other inseminates a female and then never calls. Scientists were able to isolate the exact brain chemical responsible for the difference and manipulate the gene and observe the results.

    We are not in control of ourselves as much as we think we are.

    As one writer said, every college professor thinks his student's success is down to nurture and his children's to nature. The truth is both are important but the role of genetics is very important.

    I strongly recommend "Nature Via Nurture" by Matt Ridley.

  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake
    I strongly recommend "Nature Via Nurture" by Matt Ridley

    I've seen you post this a few times and I'm planning on buying it right after I finish the one I'm on now. As well as one by bill nye about evolution:

    I look forward to both.

  • TerryWalstrom

    What is the distinction and where is the difference in a genetically influenced religious person and a non-genetically influenced humanist? 

    If an atheist volunteers in soup kitchens or a priest who molests little boys, are we going to argue for superiority/inferiority above and beyond some baseline?

    Remember that book THE BELL CURVE which set off a firestorm?

    The authors argued  central argument is that human intelligence is substantially influenced by both inherited and environmental factors and is a better predictor of many personal dynamics, including financial income, job performance, birth out of wedlock, and involvement in crime than are an individual's parental socioeconomic status, or education level. They also argue that those with high intelligence, the "cognitive elite", are becoming separated from those of average and below-average intelligence.

    Guess what? They stepped on a land mine! They extended this thesis to the untouchable third rail of. . . RACE!

    The authors were reported throughout the popular press as arguing that these IQ differences are genetic. They wrote in chapter 13: "It seems highly likely to us that both genes and the environment have something to do with racial differences." The introduction to the chapter more cautiously states, "The debate about whether and how much genes and environment have to do with ethnic differences remains unresolved."

    Somebody please explain how this topic differs from that controversy.

  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake

    What is the distinction and where is the difference in a genetically influenced religious person and a non-genetically influenced humanist? 

    Thsts a good question, hopefully the book will cover such things. Without reading I would guess:

    id say there is no distinction, but that the difference is where a persons genetics influences them to be religious they have the ability to use reason and experience to choose otherwise. Same with the humanist.

    so the outcome is the same, but the difference is the means the end was accomplished - either with reason over inherent influence or inherent influence over reason. 

    As as to the rest of your post, personally I don't see a difference no.

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