Be nice to theists - they are victims of their genes

by cofty 70 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DJS
    It's a strong correlation, not a pre-destination, cause and effect, as we have stated. Nurture continues to play a big part, including education and experience. You aren't locked in at conception. 
  • cofty

    JeffT - As DJS and others have said its important not to over-play the influence of genes. The correlation is strong but not deterministic.

    Don't pay too much heed to my thread title. I was being provocative - again!

  • Ruby456

    interestingly a study conducted in Manchester's deprived area found that young people who'd had no religion in their lives could still seek out a kind of religious comfort and safety when having to navigate between bullying and gangs.  One young man carved out his sacred space on the steps of a church huddling there for refuge and for help from unseen sources.  Others still believe that something remains of those who have passed away in the form of guardian spirits and ghosts.  In a secular society does religiousity  actually go away or does it remain/come back in a different form?  stats show that it does even in the general secular population.  

    Cofty your title suggests that you are aware of this - yes? no?

  • Viviane

    stats show that it does even in the general secular population. 

    What stats specifically show what?

  • Ruby456

    viv, I'm not sure that you are really interested in this debate but if I am wrong and you are here are some stats together with the author's (David Voas) interpretations and then a valid and interesting angle From Abby Day refuting some of the first author's interpretations of the data.  Both angles though are interesting and relevant to this discussion imo.

  • Twitch


    Our personal experiences and opinions are not valid data when held against scientific studies.

    Interesting viewpoint considering the thread title

  • Ruby456

    cofty asked

    Yes it would. But why would you feel sorry for people who are genetically inclined to avoid falling for superstitious delusions?


    all we can really say is that genes can indicate a relationship between traits favourable towards a desire for existential certainty and community cohesion.  However these are not religion specific genes and I am willing to hypothesize that Richard Dawkins has this gene.  He supports the conservative party doesn't he?    

  • cofty
    However these are not religion specific genes

    That's right. The study showed a strong correlation  with a whole range of conservative social opinions.

    Click here...

    He supports the conservative party doesn't he? 

    I  have no idea. I doubt it considering some anti-Thatcher things he has written.

    community cohesion

    Claiming that religion is a force for community cohesion is like claiming the Taliban is a force for women's liberation.

  • Ruby456

    cofty it all depends on whether or not you are seeking explanation or seeking understanding.  If you are seeking explanation and the evidence is still in its infancy then you will need to accept that you will be challenged about your beliefs about what genetics say.  I am basically challenging your beliefs.

    On the other hand I think cognitive behavioral therapy, which focuses on mediating hunter gatherer excitation of the brain, does work.  

  • cofty
    the evidence is still in its infancy 

    It isn't though. 

     I am basically challenging your beliefs.

    I don't have any "beliefs" about genetics. I accept the evidence that genes strongly influence our personality. The debate about nature or nurture is a false dichotomy. 

    Check out "Nature via Nurture" by Matt Ridley for an accessible intoroduction to the research.

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