policy changed?

by pudd 26 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • sandy
    Sandy, I bet that she is the exception rather than the rule.

    Little Witch, (I feel kind of mean calling you that. LOL )

    Anyways, I hope you do not think I was trying to discredit you in any way. I was simply giving my experience.

  • avishai


  • little witch
    little witch

    Not at all Sandy, no offense taken.

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Our Canadian laws say that any suspected case is to be reported by anyone who has such knowledge.

    I know of some JWs who proudly say that their congregation DID turn over a child abuser to the authorities just like they are supposed to, but that was because he openly confessed. What about all the others that don't confess? Do they report those ones? How will the average JW know of anyone who is accused of child abuse but has denied it? The family still will be under the JW policy of "don't make this public or you will be guilty of slander".

    I would truly like to hear that the policy has changed, but I have not heard anything to convince me yet.

    Here in Canada, a District Overseer gave an enthusiastic talk at the last Circuit Assembly about the WTS's policy on child abuse, with an in-your-face attitude.

    His words were: "Everything you hear at the doors, in the newspapers and on the so-called informative TV programs are all LIES by apostates. When you see them...Turn your TV OFF!!! We ABHOR child abuse. AND we DO report all proven cases of child abuse."

    Of course the audience nodded and talked it up afterwards....but it seems they didn't notice the little word he didn't emphasize... "PROVEN". So if a person is accused of child abuse in the congregation, and the accusation is denied, then that isn't a "proven" case, is it. I'm confident that there aren't many elders that are going to call the authorities if they have a denial and there is no proof other than the childs word.

    So where does that leave the abused child and parents? Right back with all the other hushed-up cases!!!

    Had Enough


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    In the end, if all falls on the parents. I hate to be blunt about this, but, it really most likely will not happen if parents on are the alert. Since I was sexually abused, I happened to be very diligent about my oiwn child: who he stayed with, where he was, what he was doing. That's what needs to be done, is for more parents to be on the alert. Whenever there is a kidnapping, I look to the parents, and a lot of times it's they let them go to the store alone, or let them ride their bike down the street. Really, harmless acitivities, but enough out of touch with the parents for the kid to get nabbed. It scares me that some parents are still thinking this is 1965 when you can just let your kid go to the store on their bike. It's not that world anymore, that world was long ago. For this to stop happening, parents need to know where their children are at *all times* ..


  • FlyingHighNow
    I hate to be blunt about this, but, it really most likely will not happen if parents on are the alert. Since I was sexually abused, I happened to be very diligent about my oiwn child: who he stayed with, where he was, what he was doing. That's what needs to be done, is for more parents to be on the alert.

    Sadly, this isn't even always enough. I don't know who has made their kids more miserable watching over them, for the same reasons you did, than me. Guess what? My daughter was still molested by my sister's sons (JW family) and my son by my best friend's (a sister) son. It can happen right under your nose, in the next room in the matter of minutes and even seconds. Unless you keep your children right with you every second, including at night while they sleep, there's always a chance someone will outsmart you and victimize your children.


  • Lehaa

    Policies have changed, they don't tell you not to got to the police, but don't expect their support if you do. My 3yr old was abused by a junior member of the congregation. They were suportive untill we went to the police then they washed out hands of us. They even went with the abuser to the station to support him. I started telling my friends in the congregation with small children, just to warn them, and was told that if i did not stop i would be in trouble for slander. Was told if i could not handle it to move congregations. I did and have not been to a meeting since. The mother of the junior member continues to slander me and nothing is done about that. Wheres the love in that, from a group of people who are supposed to be identified by the love they show each other.

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