J.W. Relatives Coming to Visit

by Agnes 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Agnes

    Hello everyone. I'm fairly new here and don't post often, but enjoy reading your posts. Thank you all for sharing your life experiences.

    My husband, children and I are not J.W.'s and never have been, but we do have family that are. We're going to have a house full for about a week and just want your wisdom on how to deal with the inevitable attempts of them broaching the subject of religion. It always comes up and we would like to find a peaceful way of making it very clear that we aren't interested without being too harsh. We want to have a nice visit. Your advice please. Agnes

  • Elsewhere

    Keep a squirt bottle with you and anytime they try to mention JW stuff... give them a quick squirt of water.

    Hell... it works with my cat!

  • Maya

    LOL elsewhere....... or she can substitute a nice big wooden cross for the water and just smack 'em one.......


  • Valis

    um Else...your cat tries to get you back to the Hall? sheesh I knew they were evil! Bad kitty!

    Agnes...if I were you, you can simply tell them that like polotics, religion isn't something you discuss in polite company...eheh..no really, you can deflect them easy enough...just cut it short and don't give em a platform to preach on. They are going to want to pray at thier meal, prolly study or go to meeting at some point, invite you to do so, etc..Um...stay "stay busy"..*LOL* Have a good visit and welcome if I haven't done so already!


    District Overbeer

  • Elsewhere

    Anytime they try to bring up religion... just say: "I'm sorry, but I prefer not to discuss such things"

    Just keep repeating that every time... it will have the same effect as the squirt bottle.

  • Maya

    Hi Agnes -

    Sorry I didn't get to finish my post..........

    Remember that they are GUESTS in YOUR home. When they first bring it up, you must shut them down immediately; if you give them an inch they will take 784 miles. Just tell them you respect their beliefs, but while they are in your home, they must respect yours!

    And have the phone number for the nearest hotel in your hands at all times.



  • willyloman
    Just tell them you respect their beliefs, but while they are in your home, they must respect yours!

    This is good advice. A CO once suggested to the FS group (around the holidays) that if people gave you a bad time about not celebrating Xmas, the best response was something like: "I respect other people's right to celebrate the holidays they choose, and I really appreciate it when they respect my right not to."

    Use that approach.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I hate when people feel intimidated by this. Just say "I appreciate your religion and respect it, but we don't agree with it, so bug off."


  • xjw_b12

    Agnes. Good advice from Maya, and followup by willyloman.

    I am curious as to who the relatives are ( parents, siblings, etc ) and why they are coming to visit? Your invite, or theirs?

    Take care

  • Valis

    oh and don't forget to have your compy hooked up to the widescreen in the den...that way all can surf on JWD while they visit...*LOL*


    District Overbeer

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