Alert !!!!! Buckwheat is not washable!!!!!

by Thunder Rider 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Been there
    Been there

    ((((Washerless Sheila)))) & ((((Pillowless Thunder)))) I hope none of that got into the plumbing pipes what a mess.

    Sunnygal, I know the smell. I had a stove once that a rat decided to live in and stock with dry dog food. I tried for a week to catch him with no luck. I heard him in there once and thought it would be a good idea to turn the oven on to force him out. The only thing it forced out was me. The smell was unbearable. I immediatly bought a new stove. I said a little pray for the scavangers that took the old stove on garbage night. Decaying corpe or burning pee? Toss up!

  • SheilaM

    Thanks you all. Xandria thanks for the link to the pillow......$20.00 Heck it will take me three days to clean up the mess I made LOL

  • KKLUV155

    Poor you what a big mess.

    P.S. XJW I hate to inform you that is a picture of stimey not buckwheat.

  • nilfun

    always nice to see another Lil Rascals/Our Gang fan.

  • little witch
    little witch

    Thunder honey, Sheila didn't goof up, she was being practical by recycling the pillow stuffings into some fantastic buckwheat pancakes!

    (handing Thunder a big bottle of liquid fire)

  • Sunnygal41
    I said a little pray for the scavangers that took the old stove on garbage night.

    Been There!!! OMG!!!! ROTFLMAO!!!! I guess you've really "been there"!!!

  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider

    Well let me hut up the syrup and belly up to the table. Thunder loves pancakes!

  • xenawarrior

    LUUCY!!!!! I'M HOOOOME !!!!!

  • Mulan

    Now, that's funny. Thanks for sharing. Sorry you had such a mess, Sheila.

  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider

    The mess is mostly cleaned up, there are however reminders. For instance the stray buckwheat hulls I found in my socks this morning. I hope they're not in anything else. That might prove uncomfortable.

    Thunder ==}>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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