% of JW women versus % of JW men

by cyber-sista 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • cyber-sista

    Does anyone know the stats on this or have an idea? In all the congregations I have seen seems like the percentage of women is always higher than the men, though it was never information the Org let out to us.

    Also the women are the ones who are most involved in the preaching work--pioneering, etc. I knew of a missionary (man) who was in a south American country. He was the only man in the congregation and had reign over some several women--he wasn't an elder, but conducted all the meetings, etc. Another missionary couple I knew a while back (also in South America) commented that the majority of witnesses in their circuit were women. I knew an Oriental couple in the U.S who always had sisters come over from Japan to stay and they were always looking for brothers in the U.S because there was a shortage in Japan. Of course, there were always a lot of sisters with unbelieving husbands but not many the other way around--in fact I never personally knew any in that situation. This always sort of bothered me and I wonder if some in the Org believed there would have muliple wives in the new system. Anyway, this is one of those things I would wonder about when I was in the Org, because it didn't make a lot of sense, but of course I would try and dismiss it from my mind along with several dozen other things, but now that I am no longer in denial--I wonder...

  • eyeslice

    Good point. Your assessment is right there are far more women than men. However, this is not peculiarly a Witness thing. A local church recently reported 83 women and only 37 men at communion.

    It may be a biological thing - women are generally more caring and emotional than men. Then again it may be a Christian thing; Islam is a far more male prone religion than Christianity.


  • Aikon

    Hi Guys

    Just for you nosy lot, in Hong Kong, one congregation there has 128 Publishers..............

    124 Sister and only 4 brothers..................????????????

    Looks like we males are not misled very easy compared to our female lot !!!!!!!!!!!!


  • blondie

    Did You Know......


    Gender differences:

    The ratio of females to males who identify with different faith groups varies over a wide ratio. Only 38 or 39% of Seventh-Day Adventists, Buddhists, and Muslims are women; 55% or more of the persons identifying with the Episcopalian, Methodist, Pentecostal, or Presbyterian denominations are female.

  • Rick Aust
    Rick Aust

    It means that people get what they want from religion. From the WTS men get a sense of Power and women get Validation. But i think Aikon has a point, as far as the muslims are concerned I'm surprised that so many muslim women who are "happy" to be muslims, but as a muslim woman said, when asked about her head covering, she said she covers herself because she doesn't want MEN to think of her as a sexual object, so in a way its also Validation that she wants. (she could be fat and ugly under that cover ! ) well.. thats my bit.

  • stillajwexelder

    I would never dispute Blondies research but I heard the official figure from a CO was abou 2/3rds sisters to 1/3rd brothers and then they sing song 68 --The Women Telling the Good News are a large Army - I do know that if one is a single brother, then there tends to be plenty of choice

  • Rick Aust
    Rick Aust

    The WTS drives people with Guilt, and according to 2 Tim 3:6 it easier to do with women.

    regards rick

  • cyber-sista

    I think there may be a lot of social and possibly genetic reasons why there are more women than men involved with the JWs. I was made to feel at the beginning that the Org and the elders were my protectors. Of course I found out later that they were my controllers, but that was my illusion when I was in. I think that some women feel unsafe in this world and of course the Org offers that whole shelter in the storm illusion. I was always troubled that the women appeared to be doing most of the work in the field. I am sure the elders were busy too with all the cong arrangements, meetings and giving talks and all. It was all a lot of work for nothing...

  • dh
    Just for you nosy lot, in Hong Kong, one congregation there has 128 Publishers..............

    124 Sister and only 4 brothers..................????????????

    which one??? i'll go there this week

  • Panda

    Always tons of sisters and few eligible males. I saw some really skanky guys marrying attractive young sisters. It was icky. Does this mean that the decent young men are smart enough to get out?

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