Comments You Won't Hear at the 3-28-04 WT Study

by blondie 41 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jgnat

    In case the WTS thinks they are the final vanguard for Chastity,

    Many teens keep conservative morals. I do think JW teens are more vulnerable to "falling off the wagon" because of articles like this, which present the rest of the "world" as a morass of chaotic immorality. They figure hey, everybody is doing it, why not?

    As for the poor woman who has condemned herself for seven years, depriving herself and her husband from fully enjoying their love and commitment to each other, I cry for her. In Christendom's churches, I was always taught that Satan condemns, God convicts. With God, there is always a way free to new life.

    A devotional about condemnation/conviction:

    I find this article has no depth. All the emphasis is on externals, and as blondie says, inanimate examples like cars and oil paintings. A little boy is used as the illustration for toying with sin. I prefer Jesus' sermon on the mount, covered in Matthew 5:21-47. He raised the standard, and reminded people that if their heart wasn't in following the greatest law, loving God and each other, what's the point?

  • Pistoff

    This article is a real winner, on so many levels.

    First, the desperate need to control the thoughts and desires, yes desires, of 6 million people. This article's purpose is to make every man, woman and child feel guilty for having sexual thoughts, and occasionally weakening and living them out. They make it sound dirty, cheap and inhuman.

    SEX IS HUMAN BEHAVIOR. Get over it. PLEASE, idiots at Bethel, instead talk about CHOICES. All humans will have sex. TALK about choices instead, or consequences other than "you will feel guilty forever". This is inhuman, and as blondie so ably pointed out, disingenuous in the light of their SHOCKING and criminal tolerance for true sexual deviants, pedophiles. There is a witness pedophile in my state that is still not disfellowshiped; Phil Brumley wrote a letter defending him to the head of CBS' news division. This group of men is so sickeningly corrupt there are no words for the hypocrisy.

    They have the nerve to make couples, teen or early 20's at best, that are in love and planning to be married feel guilty as hell for doing what is natural. Please. GO AWAY. Talk about something more important. Go buy more buildings or something.

    Now, for their descriptions of sexual conduct. Ummmm......what happens in houses of prostitution?? SEX. Yep. I am willing to wager that the most common type of sex in a brothel is.................INTERCOURSE. Wow. And genital manipulation. And fondling of breasts. ALL TRUE CHRISTIAN COUPLES WILL WANT TO AVOID THIS DEVIANT BEHAVIOR LIKE THE PLAGUE!!!.

    Can you read a map? I hope so. But the last couple of service meetings required detailed instruction for most JWs as how to use the map published by the WTS and released at last year?s district convention.

    Read a map? Are you kidding? They consider the R and F to be too stupid to know how to book a hotel room; maps are wayyyy up the ladder for us; we are not yet ok'd for reserving hotel rooms on our own.

    This article on sex is just reaping what they have sown: there is so little in the org to keep anyone interested or satisfied; they REPRESS and demonize sexuality itself, not only sex. The more it is repressed, the more it will manifest itself in some way. This is basic stuff, idiots at Bethel.

    Please just admit that you have no idea what you are doing; you have no ability to truly lead and inspire people. GO AWAY. Admit that you are lost. Above all, quit writing articles like this that make natural behavior between consenting adults MORE CRIMINAL THAN ABUSE OF CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!


  • eyeslice

    The Greek word por.nei?.a, translated "fornication," has a fairly broad meaning. It relates to sexual relations involving persons not married to each other and focuses on the misuse of sexual organs.
    Porneia includes such acts as oral sex, anal sex, and masturbating another person?conduct commonly associated with houses of prostitution.
    People who think that such acts are not "fornication" are fooling themselves and have fallen victim to one of Satan?s snares. (2 Timothy 2:26)

    There is another problem here. The text is quite clear in that it is talking about oral, anal and other sexual practices engaged in by unmarried couples. However, the average R&F member will pick this up as a subliminal message that it also includes married couples. So the confusion, or control which ever way you look at it, goes on.


  • stillajwexelder

    Brillinat Blondie - thanks for your hard work once again

  • seeitallclearlynow

    I appreciate your comments on this article, Blondie. I haven't been able to endure any of their harmful articles up till now, so I only read your comments, but this time I skimmed over their words too; you put yourself through a lot on our behalf by doing this, Blondie. I don't know how you can stand subjecting yourself to their poison words, but I do thank you for your sacrifice.

    Also why does the WTS quote the scripture in the Old Testament but not the scripture in the New Testament regarding loving God with our heart? Is it perhaps because "Jehovah" can be used?

    Yes, I'm so sick of their obsessions, including their obsession with the Old Testament.

    And the WTS/elders are going to be making a list of all of the countless ways. "Self-examination" with a little help from the WTS/elders. After all, we can?t read the Bible without their help.

    So true! So true!

    Can you read a map? I hope so. But the last couple of service meetings required detailed instruction for most JWs as how to use the map published by the WTS and released at last year?s district convention.

    Read a map? Are you kidding? They consider the R and F to be too stupid to know how to book a hotel room; maps are wayyyy up the ladder for us; we are not yet ok'd for reserving hotel rooms on our own.

    Pistoff - lol - and your other points are well stated too.

  • Flowerpetal
    There is another problem here. The text is quite clear in that it is talking about oral, anal and other sexual practices engaged in by unmarried couples. However, the average R&F member will pick this up as a subliminal message that it also includes married couples. So the confusion, or control which ever way you look at it, goes on.


    This is the impression I got too eyeslice.

    In addition, I get so tired of them treating the R&F as if they are anointed Christians and putting this heavy responsibility of doing what a "Christian" is supposed to be doing, on them. They have inferred that the Greek Scriptures are for the anointed and by "extension" to the "other sheep" but it's the R&F that are expected to bear all this responsibility, and they are told they aren't even in a mediator relationship with Jeus--so what are they fussing about?

  • Blueblades

    Just wait for the article on THE BIRDS and THE BEES, for the little ones.Come to think about it, its in the new teacher book released at the district convention last year.Soon they will put it into the Watchtower study.

    Blondie,this was a tough one to digest, thank you for not pulling any punches so to speak.It is up to responsible parents to educate their teenage children and little ones on the this very personal subject.The writers of this article are, to say the least, ignorant on the subject matter.I would really like to know the names of those who had a hand in putting this one together.I know,their nameless because they don't want to take credit or glory to themselves.

    The number is fixed, 40,000 disfellowedshipped each year for sexual immorality, it never changes!

    Didn't Ray Franz also write some articles on sexual matters when he was a member of the Governing Body?


  • Blueblades

    Back in the seventies, when all this started, invading the bedroom, the Society received tons of mail, questioning the Scriptural basis for the GB. inserting themselves into the private lives of others in such a way, and expressing inability to see the validity of the arguments advanced to support the stand taken.

    The principal portion of Scripture relied upon was Romans, chapter one, verses 24 - 27, dealing with homosexuality, and those writing to the Society pointed out that they could not see how it could rightly be applied to heterosexual relations between man and wife.

    Other letters, often from wives, simply expressed confusion and anquish over their uncertainty as to the properness of their sexual foreplay.

    So, its happening all over again.


  • orangefatcat

    Dear Blondie your wonderful work is just amazing. I applaud your constant works to keep us updated on matters when some of us don't get the magizines.

    I appreciate your kind work and Scully too. Your explantions were so well said, I couldn't have done as good a job.

    I really want you to know Blondie that you are a terrific person and in fact everyone on the board is gifted in some way. Thanks so very much for all your kind efforts to bring this all important subject to the fore.

    Love OrangefatcatOrangeFatCat 15

  • Pistoff

    Thanks so much blondie. This was a toxic article. I am settled down a bit from the other day, but I still feel so strongly about the lethal guilt that the WT instills into people about very natural and healthy behavior. I see so many marriages in the congregations that are between young, inexperienced people. The sexual inexperience is important; young people have an even harder time than adults in separating intimacy and sexual attraction. The policy forbidding sexual intimacy of any type makes this problem almost insurmountable for those who have issues with this. The result is that many get married in order to have a sexual life; they usually marry someone they should not be married to for any number of reasons, including sexual incompatibility. Now starts the difficulty of divorcing in the congregation, not to mention the way divorcing because of this reason, sexual difficulties, is viewed by "mature ones." I no longer wonder why there is so much depression, despair and frustration in the borg.

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