Can You Believe This Insanity?

by Farkel 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    Dearest Farkel (and you know I wish you true love and peace...)

    Oy vey! Such a POTTY-MOUTH - LOL!! I know, I know... in some instances and with some people, only 'potty-mouth' will do, yes? LOL! (I cannot tell you how many times I've held my tongue - talk about drinkin' blood!) Some folks can just bring out the WORST in us all, can't they?

    Dearest Roaming... may you have peace!

    Uh, PLEASE don't associate my Father's name (JAH) with the WTBTS. THEIR 'god'... is "Jehovah"... the misrendered name UNDER which they commit their heinous acts of hypocrisy, cowardice and oppression and which name they have heaped a PILE of... uh, 'reproach' UPON.

    The TRUE God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, is my Father and the Father of my Lord, the Most Holy One of Israel... JAH OF ARMIES.

    Peace to you both!

    Your servant, friend and a slave of Christ,


  • Yadirf


    Here's what you said to Farkel:

    Dearest Farkel (and you know I wish you true love and peace...)

    Oy vey! Such a POTTY-MOUTH - LOL!! I know, I know... in some instances and with some people, only 'potty-mouth' will do, yes? LOL! ... Some folks can just bring out the WORST in us all, can't they?

    Now THIS was the language that you made reference to:

    If you think this board is dishonest, then get the fuck off of it. And never come back. Otherwise, shut your fucking stupid little mouth. -- Farkel

    There should be no doubt in anyone's mind as to who the god is that you serve, Shelby. You've made that quite clear in that you have found justification for the foul language that your 'friend' has used. Do you kiss both of Farkel's butt-cheeks at the same time, or one at a time? Just one big one right in the middle I would bet!

  • Roamingfeline

    For a certainty, Friday, it would be highly preferable than kissing YOURS!


  • Yadirf


    For a certainty, Friday, it would be highly preferable than kissing YOURS!

    Like AGuest does I know that you're into kissin' butts too, but then I've never stooped so low as to invite you to do so have I, Roamingfeline? Yes, so you've registered your vote in favor of your friend Farkel ... so what's new loyal one?

  • Yadirf


    What part of the following did you not read? All parts?:

    There is absolutely no justification for deliberately mislabeling ANYTHING. What Simon is doing is comparable to placing a label that says "Beans" on a can that has corn in it instead. True, after the "discerning" person opens the can up he "can figure out in a very short time" that the label was false.

    You said:

    Why'd you turn the heat on me personally, and then when Farkel turned the heat on you (saying your "life is a lie" and you were an "apostate"), you whined in this fashion:
    ME, me, me. Let's talk about,, ... and how that title misrepresents the facts.
    If you didn't want Farkel to bash you, then why did you bash me (somebody you don't even know)?

    I stuck with the subject in my reply to you, Farkel didn't in his reply to me. Look back at the comments and see whether or not what I say is true.

    You asked:

    Today, I merely pointed out an inconsistency in Rick's post that I didn't understand. Why did you attack ME rather than answer the point of my concern? Sheesh.

    I compared you to a dishonest car salesperson because you attempted to justify the title of this DB. There is no justification for it, and I suppose that's the reason for the upcoming new name that you pointed me to.

  • larc


    I really feel sorry for you. You are a man without a country, fighting for his country. How sad.

    In terms of Farkle saying fuck, I have seen you demean and insult with great skill without using a swear word. You did it to me when I told you not to tell me about the eight kings (whatever that is about) You demeaned me, my relationship with my wife and my integrity. You are a lost man full of hate. You only poison yourself. You will die a bitter man.

  • AGuest

    Uh, Friday? Farkel didn't use such words toward ME... and so committed no 'sin', error or offense against ME. In addition, profanity in and of itself is not a 'sin', and so what does his language, or my understanding of his need to USE it, have to do with my love of my Father or my Lord?

    Ohhhhh, you are trying to invoke the 'law' against swearing, yes? Can't do that, Flyday... doesn't apply. Neither Farkel nor I uttered any 'oath', so neither of us 'swore'... on any in heaven OR on earth, including my Father or my Lord. Our 'yes' meant 'yes'... and our 'no'... meant 'no'.

    Or perhaps you are thinking of the 'commandment' not to take up God's name 'in vain'. Again, you are in error, for God's name wasn't taken up at all... in any way. In vain, or otherwise. Now, YOUR name... well, that's another story. Although I didn't SEE it taken up in vain, I can imagine that many hear have done so in their hearts. And I completely understand it, the same as I would understand someone giving in to any OTHER weakness of the flesh, including drunkeness or adultery. For really, who am I to judge?

    In truth, however, whether you realize it or not, Friday, the 'language' we use today will, in about 20 more years, be considered ordinary daily slang. Just as the slang of today was once considered obscene... and cursing. Example: 'golly' (formerly 'godly'); 'gee' (formerly 'geez', formerly 'Jeezus', formerly 'Jesus'); 'gay'... well, you know what that USED to mean and what it means now. How about 'sucks', as in 'that sucks'? I am SURE you know the origin of that one.

    Do you know how 'ace boon coon' (best friend/buddy) came about? That originated from the days of slavery in the U.S., when the white massa had black women down in the 'boonies'... shantytown... and liked one in particular. In reality, she was his 'ace (number one) poon (do I really need to explain?) coon (again, do I need to explain?) from the 'boonies'. Ace boon poon coon. (NOTE: NO offense to ANY of my white brothers and sisters. Simply making a point, that's all. I have nothing but love for you, truthfully.)

    Moving on...

    May I ask you, O I-Am-So-Righteous-That-I-Even-Copied-And-Quoted-The-Very-Words-That-I-Am-PRETENDING-To-Find-Deplorable-But-Oh-My-I-Am-Still-So-Clean-While-All-Others-Are-Dirty-Friday-The-Hypocrite... are you 'without sin'? For if indeed you are, hey, cast your stone. Make your aim 'sure', however. 'Cause if you hit a wall, your 'stone' may well just richochet back... and pop you right in the eye. You know... the one with that RAFTER in it SO big that you couldn't see your fingers type the SAME words as did Farkel, which words you also USED and yet, now wish to appear as if you are still 'clean'?

    And maybe you ARE clean, Friday... on the outside. But we KNOW what you are 'full of' on the inside, don't we? Okay, yeah, the words 'deadmen's bones' comes to mind... but I was really thinking of some other... er, 'stuff'.

    Don't mess with me, Friday. It's Friday... and I'm tired and feeling a bit 'peaky'. I would have to ask for a whole LOT of holy spirit in order not to be 'myself'... and get 'medieval' your hiney.

    (Sorry, can't bid you peace... and 'you know' why...)

    A slave of Christ,


  • Derrick

    > I have been saying for years that Rick is completely off his rocker. When he keeps people like Friday/Yadirf around, it's no wonder.

    You are a cruel and mean-spirited individual to say such a thing about someone else! FYI, Friday has made some excellent contributions in postings over the years "back at the ranch." I cannot believe what a cruel person you are to attack myself and others so viciously.

    > I have always said he should remember to take his medication - and so has others. Unfortunately it seems he hasn't followed our advice.

    Trouble is, Kent, that I saw you sneak into the medicine chest, pour out the pills and replace them with some other pills, then I saw what happened when others started taking them! Those weren't vitamins you replaced for my "medication" where they? ;-)

    > I have posted his latest rantings on The Watchtower Observer - just to remind people why I removed the link to H2O months back.

    Well good, I would not have wanted you to link to H2O in good conscience anyway. Besides,, one of the BEST sites for JWs and "other interest ones" on the Internet, does link to H2O, because Randy has enough intelligence to not believe the LIES that have been spread to the four winds of cyberspace about it.

    Also, now that I'm in the mood to give you a deserved piece of my mind (!), comparing you and Randy is like comparing a distempered squirrel to a trained animal expert. You have constantly berated myself and engaged in character assassination, like your innuendos that I'm mentally ill. Come on Kent, even though you might get away with it legally, from an ethical standpoint that's just plain slander, and you know it. You notice Randy has NEVER engaged in that form of dirty dealings toward others in his postings?

    May I suggest you contact Randy, let him give you a distemper shot, and then ask him if your verbal escapades against me are seriously helping the cause you profess to champion? (I won't spend my days waiting around for you to get back to me on that one, but perhaps one of these days you'll thank me for pointing out your mean spirited nature.)

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