The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society is...Outsourcing

by truthseeker 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Lyman Swingle was once in charge of making the ink (and the paint that was used in maintenance of the buildings). The paint operation was the first to go to out-sourcing.

  • visualt

    I think it's really

    because under this governing body team
    every evil thing can happen in WTC

  • SadElder
    Lyman Swingle was once in charge of making the ink

    ... hence his long-time nick name "inky Swink"

  • Wallflower

    So downsizing has hit the WT Org. It must be really humiliating and frustrating to be laid off as a Bethelite giving his/her labour for free, only to be told, "Er, sorry, we don't need you any more". In the real world you'd get paid a minimum of 4 weeks wages to see you off. So lets's see, 4 times nothing is nothing. So not even the bus fare home then.

  • truthseeker

    interesting comments. I was told there is great likelihood of Bethelites being told to go home.


  • onintwo

    Maybe commercial ads will be introduced into the magazines. Only "approved" companies of course.

    There's good revenue in that! But the WT's exaggerated circulation would come under closer scrutiny.


  • dustyb

    you gotta keep in mind too that there are laws against slavery, you have to accomodate modest housing in order to call them "indentured servants" ;)

  • metatron

    The Society's continuing trend towards outsourcing and downsizing is very good

    news. It further erodes the subculture of separatism they need for long term survival.

    It pushes them closer to the very word they hate and fear, namely 'assimilation'.

    It further exposes just how poor their productivity was ( rather like the Soviet Union)

    Even 'free' labor wasn't good enough to produce their tired wares at a price they found

    acceptable. It also intensifies the trend of recent years towards less literature

    and poorer delivery schedules. With 'WORLDLY' companies sending them a bill

    each month or so, they will be even more keenly aware of how much of a financial

    drain their superficial literature is on them. Talk to any brother in charge of literature

    these days and find out just how late and meager their deliveries have become.


  • researcher

    Not that I am defending them,, but what is the big deal about outsourcing some stuff? If you can save money, why not? Doesnt prove anything they buy ink? I have to buy by own ink.......... :) The cutting of costs is in relation to the drop in we can discuss that and compare it to what Russell said in a paraphrased way 'when the funds no longer cover the expenses, that will be a sign to stop printing the watchtower'........................Wonder if that is ever discussed at Bethel? Maybe the 8000+ of the anointed should have a convention to consult with one another as to what is truth these days................that way it then, and only then can be said that the Faithful and Discreet Slave has made a recommendation. ramble, ramble, blah, blah.....

  • jwsons

    Buying ink from outsiders. Next step will be announcing in KM " We regret... bla..bla..WE have to increase the price of WT and Awk!: If you are an active JDub, you should buy with any price if you still want to go to the Kingdumb Hall. That's it. Too many apostates, many inactive without reasons. WE need MONEY. Actually our yearly reports is a crap, big crap. You may inactive for ten years, but you still be counted under our Paradise system!!!


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