Escaped with my life!

by truman 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear


    The Truman Show is one of my favorite recent movies for just the same reasons you stated. And you are indeed real as each of us is.

    The org is about power. The Bible clearly says, man dominates man to his own injury. Men who use god or the threat of retaliation from god if we don't listen to them are the worst kind.

    Only God, who is love, should dominate man (and woman).

    I hope that your life will be happy. I lost 100% of friends and family and had to start over.

    take care


  • Francois

    I wish I could agree with Seeker about your son's motivations, however I'm personally a firm believer that only god knows the heart, the motivations. In fact, I believe god may well know better than we what motivates us. I certainly don't know what motivates me sometimes.

    Just don't believe it's possible to guage the motivations of someone else at any sort of remove.

    And trust, once traduced, is very hard to rebuild.

    I guess I'm saying that I hope Seeker is right, but recommend extreme care nonetheless.


    My $0.02

  • truman

    God_Knows, and JeffT,
    Thanks for the kind words!

    I will email you for that info. Thanks for the offer.

    I am glad you enjoyed "The Truman Show" as much as I did. Very sorry to learn you had to start from ground zero to build your life. I hope you are well into building a happy one!

    Be assured, my defenses are on full alert now. I agree, only God knows our hearts, but I will try to give the benefit of the doubt on his motivation, even though all doubt was removed concerning actions stemming from it. And yes, broken trust is extremely hard to rebuild. Right now, I cannot see any way we can ever regain the warm, close relationship we had before. It is a bottomless sorrow for me. But what can I do but pick up , go on, and wait till maybe someday he sees things without WT filters on his eyes, mind, and heart.

    Truman (tru-wo-man)

  • somebody


    whew! I'm glad the situation turned out as well as it did. When I read your post, I was afraid of what would happen to you next. I didn't know what advice to give. People here all had good advice on what to do in that situation. I'm also sorry that your trust relationship with your son has been strained. I pray that someday he'll "see".


  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Hello truman:

    I was very moved by your post asking for help but am sorry I could not at the time offer any help as it struck a little too close to home for me.

    I still deal with a bitter memory of how quick my brother was to threaten my parents with a trip to the elders if they did not stop me from visiting them or even talking on the phone to them when I was df'd.

    My father's health was failing at the time and it was heart wrenching to hear of how much he asked for me.

    I too would like to think it is just love that motivates one to turn on a family member but I often wonder if it is more influenced by the constant bombardment of how they are too think, act, feel, and speak. Then when they see someone err, even a family member, they are very quick to point the finger and feel the need to run to the elders to "straighten this person out".

    Yes your son says he wants things back to the way they were, because then you fit into his ideal picture like the borg paints, of a perfect JW family. But those "pictures" are just that...only pictures, not reality. He may not get that picture back, but at least you will have a large measure of sanity not having to follow their lies.

    The way Amazing helped his family is very loving and effective. I have read his account and hope to somehow use his example.

    Again, glad things worked out OK for you.

    Had Enough

  • truman

    Had Enough,
    I am truly sorry to hear of the treatment you had to endure. It is difficult to understand how someone could keep a child from an ailing desperate father in such a way, and still sleep at night, much less imagine they are rendering a service to God. No wonder we all come here and discuss these things again and again. It takes a long time to learn to live with things like what you described.

  • outnfree


    I am so glad to read your report. I was thinking of you earlier today and realized that it was Thursday, and too soon to expect any news until evening. Thanks for posting so promptly.

    I, too, would still use extreme caution with your son. I don't like the fact that he showed the e-mail to a brother/elder from another congregation. It could make things sticky if this becomes known to Brother Kindly. Be aware, please.


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