Cost of ad in New York Times for NGO letter??

by pc 22 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • sf

    It is my opinion that it doesn't matter if jws see the ad or not. It is for the public/ lurkers. Do we not pitch in because we think it won't be seen by jws? Who cares. The public will be armed with it and when jws hit their doors, they will know the truth and can question them. THAT is how the jws will become Awake! Again, my opinion only.

    The windshields are good idea. Standing near a kh on a windy day with a hundred letters printed up is another; just release the into the wind (accidently, of course). I have one printed up right here and was waiting for the jws that were in my hood, AGAIN TODAY (they were here 8 days ago too) to come to my door. They passed my house again. But I was ready for them. And I ALWAYS WILL BE READY.

    I sent one to my old kh too, where my mom still congregates and also called the old P.O. and spoke to his wife. She allowed me to read the letter to her. So, there is no reason not to get into action with this truth of hypocrisy.

    But to not get into action because "jws won't read it or the newspaper" is simply no excuse.

    With technology today, there are so many ways to inoculate. And wt kids need our voices.

    Now, hawkaw, what will it take to get this in N.Y. Times? GET ROLLING BABY!!


  • slipnslidemaster

    BTW, Editorials don't cost anything and the WT is near and dear to New Yorkers hearts.

    I would contribute to the $50,000 for the page. Even though I don't like the Times, the New York Times is considered one of the premeire papers in the world. If we took an ad out, it would get coverage.

    I agree with sKally, it's not for dubs it's for the public and the embarrassment to the dubs with the public.

  • bisous

    What about a banner ad on JWD that links to the update?

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    How about several small column ads (teasers) that would direct people to a website where they can read the letter ... I think it would be very effective..

  • MorpheuzX

    How many JW's do you think read the NYT? If you really wanted to reach them, barrage them with billboards around their Brooklyn headquarters.

    BTW: If you're looking to reach the most people, I'd suggest placing the advertisement in USA Today; its circulation is much, much higher than he NYT and is also national, as opposed to the NYT which is largely regional.

    That being said, if there is a legitimate, legal fund established to do this, I'll help contribute to it.

    As a digression, I work in the newspaper business. And I can tell you advertising departments won't run inflammatory ads, even if they're true. Defamation lawsuits and invasion of privacy lawsuits are far too expensive to defend.

  • MorpheuzX

    By way of follow up, I thought that 50,000 USD figure sounded very low. So, I called the NYT and spoke to one of their ad reps. Now, for a full, black and white, inside page the price per column inch is 990 USD for a weekday and 1,120 USD for a Sunday. A full page in the NYT has 126 column inches. So doing the math, a week day, black and white, full page ad in the NYT would cost 124,740 USD. The cost of a Sunday full page, black and white, inside page is 141,120 USD.

    These rates are variable, for example, color is a whole lot more. But if you could establish yourself as a non-profit organization you might be able to get a special, decreased rate.

    Like I said in the previous post, there's a chance the editors of the NYT would look at the ad, decide it could yield defamation or invasion of privacry lawsuits and kill it before it'd ever got past production.

  • tenrats

    why not invest in a projecter and project onto the kingdom hall walls? is anyone aware of a laser projection system??????/

  • zion sleeping
    zion sleeping


  • MorpheuzX

    I'd really recommend if you want to get publicity for your cause, don't buy advertising! That is unless you can afford to toss around 100,000 to 150,000 USD. Use the media to do your advertising for you. In P.R. we do this all the time, via press releases, contacting and cultivating relationships with city editors, tv and radio program directors, etc.

    The best way for you to get your anti-JW message (UN-NGO letter) out is just call up your local newspaper, ask to talk to the religion or editorial editor and just tell that person your story. Newspapers and magazines love this kind of stuff. But be persistent. I can tell you from working in a few newsrooms that the phones are always ringing. It's worth a try and a whole lot cheaper.

  • lurk

    lol pc

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