Circuit Assembly Report and other observations

by truthseeker 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • CeriseRose

    Well, that was my last circuit assembly, in December. No wonder I didn't recall anything really interesting in it.

    Oh, except for my ex-best friend who stole $10,000 from me, as well as stole a vacation that I put the down payment on so she could take her family instead, didn't bother to even approach me to say hi, in the spirit of Christian love. When confronted with my sister and I in front of her path she babbled at my sister and ignored me until I forced her to respond to my hello. Then I got to watch her kids being instructed not to make eye contact with me, who they've called aunty since they could speak. And all I did was get mad that she went to the elders with a bold-faced lie about me and tell her I wasn't impressed. I wasn't even mean about it, just told her it was unacceptable.

    Gosh, I'm such a horrible person.


  • kgfreeperson

    "Look Ahead, Not at the Things Behind" Hmmm. That may explain the "you can't change history" comment I got this morning.

  • CaptainSchmideo
    Also, the tract for young witnesses, "Young People - What Will You Do With Your Life' has never been mentioned. It's almost like it was never even published. What was the real reason for this glossy brochure?

    Actually, just three weeks ago, our CO spent about 30 minutes going into great detail about this brochure, made sure all the kids had copies if they hadn''t brought there own. Made sure the audience was familiar with all the forms of indentured servitude available to the young ones.

    Just had our assembly from this program as well. A big three people baptized at ours, all below 18, from the looks of it.

    The D.O. spent a long time using the example of when he was a teenager, he was in varsity basketball, had to follow a strict training regimen, in bed by 9 on the night before a game. Did anyone besides me catch the hypocrisy in using an example of high school athletics to people that are not allowed to let their children participate in extra curricular school activities?

  • Nocturne

    A few years ago at the DA, I remember that on the first day, they didn't even have the actual people coming up for experiences, or even re-enactments. All they did is have an elder tell experiences from they're own congregations.

  • trumangirl

    Q: Was there any mention of the UN? Another thread on assembly subject, the poster said he was surprised the DO mentioned the UN in a negative light.

    Perhaps this particlar DO made a Doh! - forgot about the new light!

  • truthseeker

    Truman girl, there was no mention of the UN at this assembly. It was such a waste of time too.

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