Do you fall in love too fast?

by ESTEE 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • flower

    sensible seductress.

    i think most mature women have learned the hard way not fall for every guy that says they love you. we may want to believe in love at first sight or 'soul mates' and all that good stuff, but common sense kicks in for most of us.



    I got the quiz off of Chatelaine's website...

    I'm guessing ... who would know that all the results would all be the same for all of us ladies ... unless it somehow got on ... say perhaps a ... forum...?


  • Purple

    Umm I didn't do the quiz and saw this thread last week and scouffed. However I had an interesting experience this weekend and realised I was i love with someone. I mean really in love. like I have honestly never felt like this about anyone. I know after something that happened today he doenst feel anything for me but friendhsip but that's ok. I would rather have him as a friend than not have him at all in my life. So yes I do and I hionestlynever thought I would ever love anyone again. Now I really do know that I didnt ever love my x and that I am an ugly cow that no one will ever love again.

  • imallgrowedup

    It's the quiz............

    Sensible Seductress

    Like Sassy - some of the questions just didn't apply.........


    P.S. Congratulations, Estee! I hope he is "The One" for you!

  • Badger

    I do...I'm an old softee...

    I just figure I'm not that demanding in what I expect...I've heard the "it's not you it's me" speech dozens of times. I've asked lots of women out, but only five have ever deigned to go out with me...and of those, two deny ever having gone out with me.

    On top of this, I put a lot of thought and consideration into even approaching a woman for a date. When I do, and if she says yes, I figure it MUST be something special.

    Badger, of the easily whipped class.

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