The Road to Iraq - 237 Lies

by Satanus 65 Replies latest social current

  • Satanus

    Here is the link to a document made for rep henry waxman. It documents 237 lies used by bush et al to pave the road to a war w iraq. Just right click on it, then save as, or left click to go there directly.

    Iraq on the record

    Aack. How do i shorten the address and still keep the link?


    Ps, thanks valis, that did it.

  • blacksheep

    Ah, yes. Invading Iraq and deposing Sadaam was evil. After all, he was a ruling sovereign. We should have respected that. Never mind that he was a horrific, tyrannical dictator that murdered tens of thousands of innocent people for their religious/political beliefs. That damned Bush lied, lied, lied....We shoulda just left the poor guy alone.

  • Satanus


    I guess you won't be reading the report, then. Sokay.


  • Simon

    Damning stuff, but Bush-ites won't read "apostate" literature like this.

  • Valis

    SS...Type the words you want...then highlite them and click the globe/link button...then insert the URL...The text then becomes hyperlinked.


    District Overbeer

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper
    Ah, yes. Invading Iraq and deposing Sadaam was evil. After all, he was a ruling sovereign. We should have respected that. Never mind that he was a horrific, tyrannical dictator that murdered tens of thousands of innocent people for their religious/political beliefs. That damned Bush lied, lied, lied....We shoulda just left the poor guy alone.

    Interesting that you and Bush are not suggesting invading Saudi or Zimbabwe isn't it. When are the troops going to take care of Liberia or are you going to continually have selective vision when it comes to political expediency and the short attention span of the US media? Can anyone spell Afghanistan?

  • shamus

    People who think bush was okay in invading Iraq are not going to listen to arguments.

    At least when Saddam was in power he had order in his country, LOL! Wow, things suuure are better now ain't they paw?

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    Shamus, my thoughts exactly. Look at the mess in Afghanistan, the job is only half done and regions are reverting to taliban rule. How can you justify the Iraq mess when Afghanistan was so badly followed up?

  • shamus

    I honestly don't know why americans can't see the other side; what people in the rest of the world (and the world is a big big place, much much bigger and more important than the united states of america) think, percieve, and act towards america, and, especially important, WHY.

    It doesn't work though. They only want to see the one side of the coin. Of course I was most certainly that way, and probably still am in some respects.

    Cest' la vie. Nobody's perfect, and I am the shining example of that, LOL!

  • grows1

    I downloaded the file and will study it. Thanks for the info. I do have a few points to make with reference to Iraq not directly relating to the file. 1)Iraq signed a surrender agreement at the end of the 1st Gulf War in which it (Hussein) stated and swore that it (Hussein) would abide by the terms of the agreement or face the consequences. 2)From 1992 until 2003 Iraq violated the terms of the surrender so many times it is impossible to document. At least a dozen UN resolutions were drafted and passed condemning Iraq for their non-cooperation with the UN and various inspectors from different UN agancies and bureau's- ALL of which were specified in the terms of surrender. The very 1st violation of the surrender agreement SHOULD have brought the wrath of the world down around Hussein's head. Instead, all he got were a bunch of meaningless resolutions that he KNEW no one really wanted to support. 3)The food for oil program administered by the UN during the embargo was fraught with corruption- many European nations violated the conditions of the embargo and had secret deals with Hussein that made "leader" of various European countries, most notably France, Germany and many UN officials families and friends, a LOT of money on the side and gave Hussein access to weapons parts that were clear violations of the terms of surrender-parts that were found in abundance after the Hussein regime fell in this war. Some of these parts were from North Korea- nuclear plant assembly material that SHOULD NEVER HAVE gotten to Hussein during the embargo. 4) Every member state of the UN believed that Hussein had WMD's and was prepared to use them- he had already demonstrated the propensity to use them in the past and no one doubted for a minute that he would do so again if the right circumstances presented itself. His UNWILLINGNESS to adhere to the inspections agreed to in the terms of surrender could only lead EVERYONE to believe that he was producing WMD's, he was after all, getting the stuff that he needed to produce them thru the "back door". 5)The Iraqi people suffered greatly during the embargo- NOT because Iraq couldn't have gotten what he needed to feed, clothe, and provide medical care for them but because Hussein was incredibly corrupt and CHOSE to steal everything that he possibly could, he and his disgusting family and hordes of Bathists. Everyone in the international community knew what was going on but as long as they made tons of money (I call it blood money) illegally no one really wanted to do anything about it except pass worthless condemnations in the UN that no one really wanted to enforce. It wasn't their families suffering, after all. 6) Iran, Syria, Libya and Iraq have been aiding and abetting terrorism against the west for years, funding and providing training sites for the most radical of Islamists. They HAVE BEEN WAGING WAR against the west thru their terrorist friends and allies since the 60's. If you are attacked by another country you strike back- and those countries KNOW THIS. But if you are attacked by an amalgam of loosely federated terrorist groups- who do you strike back against?????? Their funders? Their abettors? Not hardly!!!!The west is essentially gutless and is UNWILLING to confront the Islamic terrorist sponsoring states because they are so heavily dependant on oil and have become home to large populations of Muslims themselves. They do NOT want to rock the boat. They truly don't care if a couple of thousand people get killed as long as the oil continues to flow and some people continue to make a lot of money. 7) Europe will become a Muslim continent by the 22nd century-because they are increasing dependendent on Muslim immigrants to support their welfare states social programs- Europeans no longer reproduce themselves at a rate that will replace their own populations. They MUST import 3rd world immigrants,i.e., Muslims, to do the work and pay the tab for their cradle to grave benefits. Somebody has to pay for all of those things. Muslims believe that kids are a gift from god (as opposed to westerners, who see kids as a burden) and have large families- much larger than the typical western European or American. So while many, many Muslim babies get born in Europe(becoming the citizens of the immigrants family) few native Europeans are being born.

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