Watchtower Study for 3-21-2004

by dustyb 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Farkel

    : Scholar - perhaps you should round out your education a bit further and include archeology, anthropology, and other science related classes.

    Not to mention high school or at least getting a little common sense!

    Scholar: since virtually EVERY piece of scriptural evidence points to 587/86 BC and since tens of THOUSANDS of business documents found that corroborate the same date, how can a virtually unsubstantiated date like 607 be accepted by anyone but wackos? Those documents had no religious ax to grind. They were just day-to-day business documents.

    I know you're just trolling like you always do, but newer readers may not know this.

    Now, be a good boy and go outside and play with your toys.


  • Maverick

    Farkel, you da man! Maverick

  • ozziepost

    Like Farks says; newer readers may not be aware of scholar's background. He's a WT apologist who claims university qualifications in "Religion Studies" from Australian universities. At one time he used more bandwidth to substantiate his assertions but, of late, has resorted to simple unsubstantiated opinions.

    The Society's defence of the sacred date is commendable


    The explanation of how this year is calculated is simple and functionary as it directly proves the significance of 1914


    The calculation of the calendrical year 607 stands in mark contrast to the convolutions and deception promoted in the Jonsson hypothesis and by theories of higher critics.who can only suggest the useless dates of 586 or 587.


    And that's the extent of the post. No real discussion at all, is there? A simple assertion that the teachings of the WTS are correct and all other opinions are discounted.

    Now scholar, if you really were interested in the Truth and not simply "the Troof", you'd be far more willing and able to give some support to what you say. You'd also be interested in providing seekers of Truth with help, wouldn't you? As I've oft said to you, if you're sincere, then why are you here? You've failed to let me know your congregation so that I can inform the elders who will "lovingly shepherd" you.

    As for the final part of your post:


    BA MA Studies in Religion

    Is this the mark of a "true christian" (in Watchtower parlance)?

    For the benefit of newer readers of this board, let it be known that there may be posters here with similar, if not superior, credentials but they are more modest.

    In short, caveat emptor (let the buyer beware).


  • Maverick

    Sorry Blondie, I'm not two-timing you! Maverick

  • dustyb

    silly scholar. next time ask me and i'll help you give an arguement for 607. hell, here you go. the slaves were set free in 537 BCE, and that marks the 70 years of jehoobers punishment. (in zecharah and other books). and i'm not a scholar in "religion" next time try studyign biblical studies and you'll learn a bit more because RELIGION = christianity, muslim, buddism and many others that don't really believe in christ or hell, even a diety! BA MA in religion my ass......

  • scholar


    Your last post indicates that you are a fool.


  • scholar


    The date of 607 can be verified despite your contention to the contrary on the biblical data. I have full knowledge of all of the available secular evidence for the dates 586/7 as I have followed this subject for several decades and have a well stocked library on chronology. You are correct that salvation does not rest on dates but by following Jehovah's revealed chronology, the genuine Christian is better prepared to be about the his Master' s business.


  • scholar


    You are rather keen in referring to the points made in my previous post are matters of opinion and yet you are zealous in adhering to a new chronology that is also built on opinion, interpretation and lacks scholarly agreement.


    BA BA HONS (cand) Deakin MA Sydney

  • Maverick

    I find it interesting that certain people get hung up on non-issues. The whole premise from the Book of Daniel, the year for a day, all of it is just silly! Why get into this? There are so many clearly stupid things the WTS does that is one is hardly worth the time! Maverick

  • ozziepost
    zealous in adhering to a new chronology that is also built on opinion, interpretation and lacks scholarly agreement

    Huh?????? I don't recall ever mentioning chronology??? Do tell!

    You are correct that salvation does not rest on dates but by following Jehovah's revealed chronology, the genuine Christian is better prepared to be about the his Master' s business.

    What the hell does that mean? Either salvation is by grace or it's not. If you prefer, call it "undeserved kindness", but either way, do you accept what God's own Word tells about salvation or not? If so, then works and working hard as you put it are immaterial. Naturally the christian will be showing works, but NOT to earn salvation. That's already his/her possession.

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