Watchtower Study for 3-21-2004

by dustyb 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • dustyb

    if you still go to meetings, has anyone read the watchtower for this sunday's study? its really really messed up, and they're still trying to justify 1914 and 607 and stuff. i was reading that sunday before the study w/ the elder, and so i just told him that i didn't think jerusalem fell in 607. showed him a few things, then now both of us are researching it.

    personal opinion of this weeks' watchtower is that its more of a crock of shit than it has been for awhile. it's main point is that they're 100% right about 1914, which i can use the elders own words to prove him wrong. so.......

  • Maverick

    Tell us more....Maverick

  • blondie

    I will be posting my review on Friday.--Blondie

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    100% eh, pretty good record really.

    Gods Kindom Has Approached 1973 p209


    The insertion of 100 years into Bible chronology during the period of the Judges is thus seen not to rest upon Scriptural grounds. The insertion should therefore be dropped and the Bible should be accepted just as it reads concerning its chronology. Unavoidably, then, this would affect the date for the parousia of the Bridegroom Jesus Christ to begin. With the Watch Tower magazine?s issue of January 1, 1939, the title was changed to The Watchtower and Herald of Christ?s Kingdom, and with the issue of March 1, 1939, to The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah?s Kingdom. This did not mean that the publishers of the magazine no longer believed in the presence or parousia of Christ as being then in progress. It meant, rather, that more importance was given to the Kingdom, to the kingdom of Jehovah God by Jesus Christ, for it is Jehovah?s kingdom by Christ that will vindicate Jehovah?s universal sovereignty.


    In the year 1943 the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society published the book "The Truth Shall Make You Free." In its chapter 11, entitled "The Count of Time," it did away with the insertion of 100 years into the period of the Judges and went according to the oldest and most authentic reading of Acts 13:20, and accepted the spelled-out numbers of the Hebrew Scriptures. This moved forward the end of six thousand years of man?s existence into the decade of the 1970?s. Naturally this did away with the year 1874 C.E. as the date of return of the Lord Jesus Christ and the beginning of his invisible presence or parousia. The millennium that was to be marked by the detaining of Satan the Devil enchained in the abyss and by the reign of the 144,000 joint heirs with Christ in heavenly glory was therefore yet in the future. What, then, about the parousia (presence) of Christ? Page 324 of the above book positively says: "The King?s presence or parousia began in 1914." Also, in the Watchtower issue of July 15, 1949 (page 215, paragraph 22), the statement is made: " . . . Messiah, the Son of man, came into Kingdom power A.D. 1914 and . . . this constitutes his second coming and the beginning of his second parousía or presence."
  • Tuesday

    That's kinda a cornerstone of belief is that Jerusalem fell in 607 BCE, that would be like critisizing the catholic church for continually printing articles about Peter being the first Pope. That's just a belief, every religion has something wrong with it, Catholisizm (sp) has that Peter was celibate, JW's have 607 as Jerusalem's fall, the Mormons have the Osmonds (not that they're a cornerstone of belief I just think it's a travesty they exist). Of course I'm just kidding about the Peter was celibate thing I just wanted to set up the Osmond joke. But anyway I digress, right now they're following older beliefs because the older witnesses don't want to be told "Oops sorry, wrong this whole time", once the 70's generation is just about done in the congregation I'm sure it will change. Some new date will pop up in the future to get the youths all hopping about the time of the end again, same old same old.

  • undercover

    What's f**ked up about that 1973 quote is that they admit that it was in 1943 that they changed their thinking of Jesus returning in 1874 to 1914. But in newer publications they keep harping on how the early Bible Students pointed to 1914 as the return of Jesus, not the date of Armageddon.

    A short history of beliefs of the WTS:

    Jesus returns in 1874. Jesus returns in 1914.

    Armageddon comes in 1914. Armageddon comes in 1918. Armageddon comes in 1925. Armageddon comes in 1975. No man knows the day or hour.

    King of the North is the Soviet Union. King of the North is ???

    Generation is those who were alive in 1914. Generation is people who were alive anytime after 1914.

    Jerusalem was destroyed in 606BCE. Jerusalem was destroyed in 607BCE.

    You'd think that God's earthly organization would have a litte better handle on things, especially since God's spirit is directing it.

  • blondie

    nice summary, undercover.


  • scholar


    The Society's defence of the sacred date is commendable. The explanation of how this year is calculated is simple and functionary as it directly proves the significance of 1914. The calculation of the calendrical year 607 stands in mark contrast to the convolutions and deception promoted in the Jonsson hypothesis and by theories of higher critics.who can only suggest the useless dates of 586 or 587.


    BA MA Studies in Religion

  • Dawn
    The calculation of the calendrical year 607 stands in mark contrast to the convolutions and deception promoted in the Jonsson hypothesis and by theories of higher critics.who can only suggest the useless dates of 586 or 587.

    Scholar - perhaps you should round out your education a bit further and include archeology, anthropology, and other science related classes. Learning the concepts of radionuclide dating as well as other dating techniques may help you to understand the findings upon which the dates of 586/587 are based.

    Never accept a conclusion as fact if the assumptions upon which it is based can not be verified. 607 can not be verified - but the dates of 586/587 can be.

    God did not intend for his true followers to ignore facts - he intends for us to use our minds, to study, explore, and open our minds to possibilities beyond our own understanding.

    The bottom line - it really doesn't matter whether you believe 607 or 586/587. That is not what will gain your salvation. Salvation comes through Jesus - period. "I am the way, the truth, and the life. Noone comes to the father except through me." Too many people get side tracked in arguing doctrine and loose track of the real message - Jesus. The one thing that CAN keep you from gaining salvation is by trying to get it through an organization and not asking for it from Christ.

  • willyloman
    Generation is those who were alive in 1914. Generation is people who were alive anytime after 1914.

    undercover, you forgot to add this:

    Generation is now "whenever."

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