So, Why Does God Permit Wickedness?

by minimus 93 Replies latest jw friends

  • JamesThomas

    Dear Hillary,

    Please know that I am not pointing to any "philosophy" or belief system, but rather to deeper within our actual and real being or existence (what is already true within us). This -- I feel -- removes it from belief or speculative philosophy and places it right here in our lap to be discovered. However, as long as it is not experienced first hand it can just seems like more philosophical I understand what you mean.

    Thank you for your replies.


  • little witch
    little witch

    Why does Satan permit goodness? After all he is reportably a worthy opponent and highly addept at luring in coherts?

  • SixofNine

    C'mon Hillary, walk to the light man. It may read like philosophy, but it feels like a 24/7 truthgasm and it's waiting for all of us like an apple to an eve. Bite your inner apple and!

  • toreador

    It kinda sounds like trancendental meditation to me. Connecting with your inner chi or sumtin.

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