What would be your dream career?

by LyinEyes 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • ISP

    I would be a pro sportsman. Not sure what though!

    I am in spring training for the local cricket team. So I can still have some fun....despite my age!


  • new light
    new light

    Circuit Overseer

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D
    >What would be your dream career?

    I guess I am in my 'dream field', architecture.

    I'd like to go back and get the credits to sit on the state exam, though I may be able to get enough credits through my work experience to sit on the exam.

    It's a fun field because every project is different, every client is different, there are always new materials and technologies coming out, and it's something that I can and will do until I'm dead.

    Now if I could have full control over every client and budget, now that would be a dream!!!

  • reboot

    (((talesin))) i'll send you the link to the exhibition in junedont know if i want to post them, might do..but they're not happy fluffyart lol

  • Billygoat

    Photographer. Painter. Owner of a studio or art gallery. I realize the money is not always there with these career choices, but at least I'd be doing what I loved. Too few people have an appreciation or desire to share beauty with today's world.

  • Carmel

    I'm with Shutterbug. I like what I'm doing and I even dream about it.. so it must be my dream job.


  • Valis

    Whatever! BG and mozzer are pron stars! I know it!


    District Overbeer

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Oops I forgot something

    I love lecturing. I would love to teach a course on abuse and trauma or be a guest lecturer.

    And oh yeah there are those books I am working on - which might help with a lecture tour

  • Billygoat
    Whatever! BG and mozzer are porn stars! I know it!

    LOL! Ye-ah. You're just jealous!

  • Valis

    I know...I accidentally picked Tron Star instead of Pron Star..


    District Overbeer

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