What's The Best Way To Help A Witness Leave The Organization?

by minimus 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • sunshineToo

    Well, minimus, first he/she has to be willing to leave the org.

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger


    min, are you asking how to help someone who wants help?

  • minimus

    I think there's a number of ways to help people out. If we use this forum, we might be a better benefit to lurkers and others if we KINDLY and CARINGLY assist. Talking down or always being condescending and negative will win over fewer persons.

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    So... do you mean talking someone out of it or being supportive to someone with doubts and questions?

  • minimus

    There's no special condition to help people see they don't have ''the truth''.

  • Elsewhere

    Wear them out... make them run on their little JW Treadmill until they collapse from exhaustion. In fact you don't have to do anything to make this happen... the WTS does it for you!

  • Aikon

    Hi Guys

    Well after reading the advise in Freeminds, I must say it really does work.

    So far I have asked my two oldest sons to think for them selfs as we have had a Bible discusion,and are a while they both started to reaserch for them selves. But, a wors of adivice DONT knock the W/T.

    Now so far they both have become "inactive" they both are married with their own kids.

    With my wife,it was no problem she could see that some thing was bothering me so I let her "see" my reserch notes.

    But above all do it gently with love,because in first palce they do NOT relise they are under the mind control of the W/T.And if the elders find out then all is lost.

    So now I have 3 more baptized kids to pull out then BINGO we all are out.


  • avishai

    Slowwwlllllyyyyy dropping hints worked for me.

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    So, min, you're talking about unwanted help?

    Because you are not being clear.

  • Xena

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