Should Ex's Care For Believing Parents?

by Englishman 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • badwillie

    I say.. Fu#k 'Em!!!! let them rot in their urine soaked little apartment. Of course, I speak only about my own parents.

  • Englishman

    Oooh..that's harsh.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    say.. Fu#k 'Em!!!! let them rot in their urine soaked little apartment. Of course, I speak only about my own parents.

    Well, there's certainly no doubt that we've all had different experiences with our parents.

    I say, take the high road, you'll never regret it. If they don't want to join you with that, then they've made the choice.

  • FlyingHighNow
    There has to be certain minimum requirements of past service apparently, she is exceptionally well qualified to be accepted though.

    Exactly the kind of lack of love that made me collapse in despair and stop attending meetings 14 or so years ago. I mean there were other factors but the lack of love was the biggest. When someone is ailing or elderly they get help and encouragement based on their service record.

    E-man, does your mother speak to you and your brother now? Is she clear enough in her thinking to understand how the shunning policy could cut her off from you when she needs you the most? If she is clear in her thinking and is willing to accept the consequences then what can you do? Do you honor her wishes?


  • Englishman

    Heather said:

    E-man, does your mother speak to you and your brother now? Is she clear enough in her thinking to understand how the shunning policy could cut her off from you when she needs you the most? If she is clear in her thinking and is willing to accept the consequences then what can you do? Do you honor her wishes?

    My mum has a mind like a razor. She can rattle of The Telegraph crossword in less than an hour. She drives well still, gets her petticoats especially made for her in Lee-on -Solent and is as clear and as lucid as the blue sky above.

    She's a devoted witness, quietly believes that my DF'ing "could have been handled better" and receives me into her home as well as visiting mine for several days every year. This was something that my PO Dad OK'd between them when he was alive, he actually refused to OK DF'ings on numerous JC's. I think that in her mind she justifies her acceptance of me as a sort of subjection to his "superior" knowledge.

    She wants to go the Jah-Jireh route when the time is right, she says, something that is quite a convenient solution for me, I confess.


  • Valis

    You know I won't have to deal with this subject for a while, but really...Kind of a tough call for me I must admit.


    District Overbeer

  • FlyingHighNow
    She wants to go the Jah-Jireh route when the time is right, she says, something that is quite a convenient solution for me, I confess.


    Will the JWs allow you to visit her or her to leave to come and visit you? If yes, then this seems like a good idea. If no, have you discussed the possibility of enforced shunning with her? She really should think about whether or not she will be allowed to associate with you and your brother before she makes plans to retire to Jah-Jireh. <......What does Jah-Jireh mean?


  • Hunyadi

    Do you love your mother? Screw the elders, be a good son and take care of your mom. I honestly think today's elders will gladly overlook you being df'd so that the burden will not fall on them. If the elders try to interfere, get in their faces and kick them in the nuts!

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Nina and I have been taking care of her JW mother (we've even had to dip into 401k money). Naturally not one JW has ever visited. After all she doesn't go to meetings anymore or go out in service, so she has no value to the Witnesses.

    Of course when it comes to my JW father, badwillie kind of sums of my feelings. Well, actually he put it nicer than I would have.


  • cruzanheart

    And if we could take care of Mom in our home, we would. I think Mulan's situation is a shining example of how children AND parents should behave. However, if a parent behaves like a total jerk about a DF'd or DA'd child and then turns around and expects help when they want it, that is a different can of worms. I remember when Big Tex confronted his parents about his abusive childhood and they disowned him, spread all sorts of evil lies about him, ignored him totally, BUT when his mom was diagnosed with cancer they sent his little sister over to find out if we were willing to contribute money to her care. Oh no, we won't associate with you but fork over the dough, you evil person you. (No, we didn't, in case you're wondering.)


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