Sad but maintaining

by Lady_Kaye 17 Replies latest jw experiences

  • aunthill

    God did not punish you by having your brother killed - I am so sorry to hear about that. The woman who told you that you would go to hell is just another judgemental fundamentalist - don't even think about what she said. I believe God is loving and does not spew venom at his children. (((((Lady Kaye)))))


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    the conversation ended in her telling me that God would make me see and humble me down to the point of me never doubting him again to where bad things would happen to me and my family, and also if I died he'll torture me in hell, too.

    First all, putting "religion" aside, what she said doesn't make sense logically. If an all powerful God humbles people down to the point of people never doubting him, the world would be full of 'believers' all believing the same thing (and quivering in their boots at the same time). As far as a 'tortureous' hell, check out Christian history... that was made up a few hundred years after Christ walk this earth.

    I'm so sorry to hear about your brother.... my condolences. By the way, people from all walks of life, the Good, the Bad, the whatever, lose family members everyday either by accident, illness, or senseless homicide... is that God behind the curtain manipulating little life and death strings?.... I don't think so.

    Lastly, it's been my experience that God operates by 'positive' intervention, not 'negative' ones. Humans are very capable of handing everything 'negative' on their own, including your friend's comments.

  • Sentinel

    I think I'd gather myself up and make a visit to this "girlfriend", and I'd point blank ask her if this is what she intended. It just might make her think abit before spouting off such foulness.

    Bad things happen to good people. Good things happen to bad people. Things just happen. I'm so very sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself. Listen to your heart.


  • franklin J
    franklin J

    Lady kay

    my thoughts are with you on the loss of your brother. I am so sorry....


  • bebu


    Just read this today. My deepest condolences go out to you. What a tragedy. What a loss.

    The comfort you can really take, is that God truly knows your brother and loves him even more dearly than you do. Jesus went thru an awful lot to make reconciliation available to anyone.

    Lady_Kaye, my thoughts and prayers are for you today.


  • seeitallclearlynow

    Lady Kaye,

    I don't know why I never saw this post of yours. I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your brother in this terrible way. I'm also very sorry to hear about the so-called Christian person beating you up with her "bible" talk.

    Jesus was always kind, except to hypocritical religious leaders. His followers would imitate him and be kind.

    1 John 4:8 - "God is Love."

  • Flash
    "...the conversation ended in her telling me that God would make me see and humble me down to the point of me never doubting him again to where bad things would happen to me and my family, and also if I died he'll torture me in hell, too."

    Stay away from these type of people if you ever want to have any kind of peace and happiness!

    "This conversation really made me feel awful because I am not trying to be an enemy of God. Im only questioning the reliability of the writers and the people who interpret it, and I am trying to come to a understanding of the higher power."

    This is the RIGHT attitude. Don't let go of it!

    "Well , yesterday my brother was shot by his girlfriend fatally in the chest, and as soon as this news was given to me, my mind flashed back to what the christian lady had said, a couple of days, before this had happened."

    I'm very sorry this happened...It is a horrible coincidence, nothing more!

    "I can't help but feel the doom I thought I was free from."

    It will take time, maybe a long time, but you will enjoy freedom from unnecessary feelings of Doom.

  • Gretchen956

    People create their god in their image. Hateful vengeful nasty people create a hateful vengeful nasty god. If there indeed is a hell, it is reserved for those who bring needless suffering to others in the name of this god.

    Please be assured that the higher power has much better things to do than humbling you down to the point of belief.

    I'm sorry for your loss, blessed be.


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