"He's a Jehovah"

by logansrun 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • LittleToe

    ROFLMAO @ you guys!!!

    You should count your blessing that it was predominantly a waste of time
    I know I do

  • maxwell

    I always found the the name identifying myself as a Jehovah's Witness awkward. Something about that possessive form in a religious identification just didn't roll well. Other people could identify their religion by saying, "I am a X", X being whatever their religion was, but in order to say my religion I'd have to say "I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses" although I guess "I am a Jehovah's Witness" isn't necessarily grammatically incorrect if you consider Jehovah's Witness a proper noun. But yeah, I had people identify me as one of those Jehovahs also. It is still funny now. We were all just a bunch of Jehovahs.

  • Hyghlandyr
    Personally, I think they should change 'Kingdom Hall' to 'House of Pain & Boredom', but that's just one woman's opinion. *lol*

    Talesin, at first I thought y ou said house of pain and torture. I was bout to say "sign me up." Alas though it was pain and boredom. Personally I had fun at the hall though. And goin door to door. I know lots of yall didnt like that but I am a talker. It was the perfect religion for a guy like me. Well almost perfect, except for their immoral requirements of marraige before sex. Sex should be open to everyone that is of age and consenting. Yes....house of pain and torture would exactly be the perfect religion:D Yum yum.

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