Anybody watch the Sopranos?

by MorpheuzX 11 Replies latest social current

  • MorpheuzX

    This is totally unrelated to JWism, but does anybody here watch the Sopranos? Apparently 12 million households tuned in for their season premiere last Sunday night. So what do you think? Who's getting whacked? Are Carmela and Tony really going to break up? Will Dr. Melfi and Tony finally hook-up? Is Johnny Sak going to be the new boss in NY? Is Adriana going to be able to go on as a FBI snitch for much longer?

    Is Furio eventually coming back and if so is he going to whack Tony?

    What do you think about the additions of Steve Buscemi and Robert Loggia to the cast? (I'm thrilled.)

    Personally I thought the first episode wasn't very good. Hopefully this Sunday's episode will be a lot better.

    Actually, maybe this should be under entertainment, oops!

  • bisous

    I watch...I like...

    I saw the 1st episode and I thought it rocked!!!!!! I hope Tony and the doctor don't get together.............I like the 2 new characters.........

    can't wait to see what happens..........

  • Badger

    Not one sighting of Meadow...

  • minimus

    Meadow was with her brother in the car and at their aunt's house.......I thought the show was GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Badger

    That's right, mini....Just not enough of her in the episode!

    4-1 Paulie Walnuts gets whacked

  • joenobody

    It set the table for some great storylines... As a side note Melfi was stunning in her dream sequence! Looks great for a lady in her forties.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I love Buscemi, think he'll make a great addition. I've been watching this show since it started. Third season sucked, though. I liked the first episode of this season, and Paulie Walnuts (my favorite) is definitely on the way to wack-dom. I hope Furio shows up: could be some great wack-action, either way.. hehhehe. Tony and Melfi will definitely not hook up, since this is a great source of sexual tension, but I think Tony will make a concerted effort, since he's so used to getting what he wants.... that ought to be a great story line. I think the wildlife guy has the hots for Carmela, and there's a story line developing there, too.

    The bear and Tony's son will definitely get together. And what's up with Meadow's car? Why is she driving that POS?


  • Yerusalyim

    I'm a big Soprano's fan, it's my guilty pleasure I guess. Every time I see Steve Buscemi I think of his role in CON AIR...he's creepy looking...should make a great new cast member...Loggia...we'll see. I hope Tony and Melfi knock boots.

    I concur that Paulie will probably go the way of Big Pussy, for different reasons. I think Adriana will see where the fishies sleep too.

    The Skinny is that Furio won't be back, which is a shame.

    End of next season will see Tony either in Jail, Witness Protection, or a coffin...I see it ending with Tony's indictment.

    Meadow won't be big in this season, and Sil will not be as active either, as his E-Street Band duties call him.

  • freedom96

    I love the fact that Steve Buscemi is in the show now.

    I predect Paulie is gonna get wacked at some point.

    I was wondering why Meadow's car was a rat, but it might be to show that a mobsters life isn't always so great.

    Besides, right now Tony is giving the family only enough money to get by.

  • MorpheuzX

    I also noticed Meadow's car. It looked like a junker in need of a paint-job. I thought I saw some primer on it. Maybe we'll find out she had a falling out with her parents over Tony's possessiveness and racism?

    I also concur that Paulie "Walnuts" has got to be on the way out. If Christopher is going to be under-boss, Paulie is getting offed. And now that Johnny "Sack" is essentially in control of NY, he must have very little interest in keeping Paulie around -- big potential liability if Tony found out about the old plot between Paulie and Johnny to off Tony.

    It's going to be a great season. The only reason I didn't like the first episode is the dumb idea of stationing a guy out in their yard with an AK-47 because there's a bear that walks through once in a while. I mean come on. That's just dumb. But it could be a foreshadowing of vicious danger to come to Sopranos family. Anyway, I can't wait till Sunday.

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