How do you think the WT will explain the letter on UN site?

by imallgrowedup 40 Replies latest jw friends


    what the hec' happened...sorry about blank post...anyway as I was going to say...If the borg equates us to a "barking dog"...FINE, 'cause every dog has his day, & this could be ours.


  • imallgrowedup


    There must be an old proverb somewhere: Beware of barking dog.

    There is! It is on the bottom of every pair of slippers manufactured in the US!

    Bonezz -

    If the borg equates us to a "barking dog"...FINE, 'cause every dog has his day, & this could be ours.

    LOL! *howling at the moon while marking the calendar for the rest of the millenium*!


  • Elsewhere


    What is sad is they keep wanting me to return to my vomit that I left behind when I left the organization! I guess that makes them one sick puppy!

  • imallgrowedup
    I guess that makes them one sick puppy!

    According to my calculations, "them" indicates that there is at least more than one puppy. Therefore, if they haven't cleaned up your ummmm.... culinary expulsions..... and they think you would WANT to return to it, then they are not only a bunch of sick puppies, but they are a bunch of sick, disillusioned and completely unkempt puppies who need to be reported to the Health Department!


    Tetnus shot, anyone?!

  • shotgun

    I think they're reply will be...

    Huh..what letter..

    The UN..NGO..

    What's that...

    The UN thing...Wild Beast ring any bells...


  • heathen

    shotgun--- I printed a copy of the UN NGO application and requirements . There is no way they can wiggle out of that AFA I'm concerned. I don't think the UN would go so far as to lie about something like this . From what I see the WTBTS lied it's ass off on every one of the requirements in order to become an NGO . They should be tried by the supreme court for purgery and violation of rules and regulations that apply to the UN mandate . The evidence is enormous in favor of conviction .

  • imallgrowedup

    heathen -

    They should be tried by the supreme court for purgery and violation of rules and regulations that apply to the UN mandate . The evidence is enormous in favor of conviction .

    I like the way you think! If this happened, however, would the UN have to be the entity that files the suit, or can us victimized citizens file?!

    G-R-E-A-T idea!!!


  • shotgun


    They have been playing stupid for over a hundred years.

    I'm sure they probably even wrote a book on it during the 1930's.

    Then again like the elders said to me when I made them admit 1914 made no sense...they said so what!....arrhhhhhh

  • heathen

    blondie--- I would think that it would be the UN responsiblity to investigate those applying for NGO and whether or not they are complying to the regulations that are agreed a apon. The WTBTS did this to themselves by agreeing to terms that they couldn't possibly uphold based on the religious doctrine that they interpreted the UN as Gods mortal enemy and accuse them of being the wild beast in revelation. I don't see how they could possibly agree to supporting the ideals of the UN or the UN mandate charter . I am still shocked at the situation myself . I don't think there can be personal lawsuits in the matter , but who knows these days . The WTBTS can easily be convicted of treason .

  • blondie

    heathen, may be the UN did investigate them. The WTS hardly has a reputation as a terrorist organization. The WTS is very good at concealing their true aims and many organizations including the UN are too trusting. It is no accident that there is a policy the WTS uses called theocratic warfare. That means that they can lie to people or organizations that they feel are not entited to the truth. I'm in no way condoning what the WTS has done. I hope I haven't given anyone that impression.

    The WTS would love the UN to "persecute" them; it would prove their "prophecies" to be true even if the WTS has done it too themselves.

    There is no honor to be persecuted for doing what is wrong...the Bible says that...and the WTS uses it against other religions.

    The WTS is just a speck in the world of humanity that the UN tries to help.


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