How YOU Humiliate the Watchtower (4/1/04)

by metatron 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel

    Hey steph!

    : But how can they do so and save face?

    They can quit lying all the time. In otherwords: never. Once they quit lying all the time, they are exposed for the frauds they are, and their mantle of power disappears, and their Patterson dream condos disappear, too. Most importantly, the worship they demand from their worker-bees disappears.

    Nope. They won't quit lying just yet. They know the consequences of being honest and decent.
    They will continue to be scumbags and liars until the rot they created brings them to their knees.

    Even then, I'm not sure if they will admit to anything: they are so used to getting away with (literally) murder.

    The US forces who are interrogating Sadaam Hussein have said that he still speaks like he thinks he's a Head of State, and he's only been a dictator for 25-30 years! What about the GB? Some of them have being doing their shit for TWICE that long! Could they capitulate after that many years? I don't think so.

    They have to be brought down, old farts or not.

    And the only way to bring them down is to make the public, and even braindead-dubs aware of who and what they are: frauds, scammers, businessmen and most importantly a BLASPHEMY and pretenders as Christians. This in itself, is easy enough to do. It's just that we need more people to do it, until they get that long-awaited and well-deserved wake-up call.

    Count me in.


  • seeitallclearlynow

    Count me in, too, Farkel.

  • gumby
    But the article simply defines the 'wild beast' as "all political rule". It also is quick

    to point out that human governments can serve as "God's minister" , protecting human

    rights, "including the right to engage in true worship".

    I really wonder if 'Freddie' was alive....AND WELL.....if he would have seen fit to take the U.N. label OFF of the Wild Beast, and give it a pat on the back for protecting the dubs religious freedom????

    Sorry for going off topic a bit.... but I REALLY wonder how the GB thinks anymore. I ALWAYS believed THEY believed in what they stood for. I don't know anymore.

    Awesome topic Metatron.....Awesome! You are right. This site and others, have spread the "Good News" about a corrupt society and it has ACTUALLY finally, fricken, worked to the point of forcing them to change doctrine (at least lie and act like it, and sugar coat it)!

    Keep up the good work you heathen Apostate Bastards!!!!!


  • AlanF

    Excellent points Metatron!

    r51785, you make some great observations!


  • asleif_dufansdottir

    I wonder if the WT is worried about backlash from the UN?

    Perhaps they are scared that the UN has found out all the nasty things that the WT has said about them, and has some type of recourse against the society? Maybe papers they signed as an NGO? They did agree to uphold the UN's principles...maybe the UN could potentially bring suit (or something) against the WT for having joined in false pretenses? or for not upholding their end of the bargain?

    Wouldn't that just be hysterical (as well as such a lovely example of karmic justice)? If the WT would get kicked in the financial groin for being the lying sacks of scum they are???

  • gumby
  • gumby
    Perhaps they are scared that the UN has found out all the nasty things that the WT has said about them, and has some type of recourse against the society?

    Oh they were scared alright. They read the apostate bastards responses at uncovering them.....and they read the apostates who made it clear to them that we apostates were letting the UN know what the Watchtower has SAID about them through their past history of U.N. bashing. Go back and read the first "U.N. threads" from this site and see the damage the apostaes did in revealing "truthfull" information regarding their hypocracy, and how the apostates sent letters and talked to officials regarding their backstabbing of the U.N. with documentation and pictures as proof.


    (edited twice for re-spelling because my fingers are too damn big)

  • heathen

    ohhhh i like this part---that human governments can serve as "God's minister" , protecting human

    rights, "including the right to engage in true worship".

    Who do they think they are fooling with this . I can't believe anyone would fall for that . I just looked at revelation 13 and I know they trashed the UN big time in the grand climax book . It's like saying we only dry humped the UN and didn't get off on it . Jeeeeezzzuuussssssss H caaahhhhhhhhhhrrrrriiiiissssssssssssssstttttttt.

    also edited to add --- Glad you liked it alanf . lol yep the imagery just was so clear on that one . lol

  • AlanF

    Heathen said:

    : It's like saying we only dry humped the UN and didn't get off on it .

    I love it.


  • cypher50
    It also is quick

    to point out that human governments can serve as "God's minister" , protecting human

    rights, "including the right to engage in true worship".

    Talk about opening a can o' worms...if governments now in WTS Doctrine can serve as "God's ministers" then why can't you support them through voting? By trying to cover themselves they are just opening up more contradictions...

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