Bush Ads & 9-11

by ThiChi 68 Replies latest social current

  • Aztec

    I like what Firstinline said:

    We are no safer for what we did, we are at greater risk

    That's exactly right. I still remember that before the war took place I thought and said that this would make America less safe against terrorism. It will. The Sunni and Shiite Muslims both blame the "Great Satan", the US, as the one to blame. We are no great liberators in the eyes of the average Iraqi. We're meddlers and instigators to them.

    Bush did nothing courageous on Sept. 11th. The policemen and firefighters and average citizens did. If he tries to lay claim to the heroism of the average person on that day than he is a hypocrite. I don't hate the man but, I distrust him as a leader. I don't really like Kerry all that much either. I wish we had more viable options than the two party system. I've voted third party in the past and it did little good which is a damn shame.

    Most ex-jw's are not liberals. There are all sorts but, some are more vocal than others. When I watch the Olympics I almost always root for the US. When I watch the Stanley Cup playoffs I always root for my Red Wings. I am very loyal when it comes to my hometown or my home country but, only so far as it makes sense. I won't support my country in an illogical, illegal and ill-informed war. I think most ex-jw's learned to differentiate between loyalty and fanaticism. That makes us a tiny bit smarter than your average person or perhaps just better informed. One of the two...

    Bush can use whatever ads he wants and, some if not most, of us will see right through them. I'm still a Libertarian at heart though.


  • czarofmischief
    That's exactly right. I still remember that before the war took place I thought and said that this would make America less safe against terrorism. It will. The Sunni and Shiite Muslims both blame the "Great Satan", the US, as the one to blame. We are no great liberators in the eyes of the average Iraqi. We're meddlers and instigators to them.

    And the fact that they have set aside their differences and started building their nation together that one day may have an Olympic team that will have no fear of being dragged to death and dumped in a sewage ditch means nothing to you?


  • Badger


    Why would we consider that a fact? The US isn't exactly a friend of any country unless he runs them or they play along. Every U.S. President (with the noteable exception of Carter) backed ruthless regimes in other countries and interfered in their politics for the benefit of U.S. business.

    Will Iraq be a beacon of peace and democracy? How can you tell? If they do become a true democracy and then demand control and profit off their own oil fields, how would Bush react?

    That is, how did Rumsfeld react when Iraq was ruled by "a madman" but was considered a "strategic asset"?

    Bush doesn't care about democracy, WMDs or anything like that...he only cares about his oil buddies and their tax breaks.

  • Simon
  • Aztec


    And the fact that they have set aside their differences and started building their nation together that one day may have an Olympic team that will have no fear of being dragged to death and dumped in a sewage ditch means nothing to you?

    I'm glad that they have set aside their differences. The problem is that the only thing they seem to agree on is that the US is the evil-doer. Doesn't that concern you at all? It does me.


  • shamus
  • donkey

    I thought there was a separate election thread for this type of shit.

  • shamus

    Shit being the operative word, LOL!

    Wonder who's going to win the special olympics today?

  • donkey

    Nah, I stay out of the political threads but I am sick of reading about this on here. Furthermore, Simon asked that the election stuff be kept to the approriate thread.. and others were locked as a result.

  • shamus

    Arguing with americans over they're elections is disfunctional, in my opinion.

    A) It's none of your business unless you live there.

    B) It's about as interesting as putting your testicles in a vice and closing it.

    But hey, I was a flame warrior once when it came to american politics too, LOL! So my hands are bloody as hell.

    I want to start a new chat board, one called "DUMB CANADIANS SCREAM AT AMERICANS ABOUT THEY'RE POLITICS". It would be excellent!

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