
by sandy 25 Replies latest social relationships

  • dh

    as a child i was lonely, growing up i was lonely, as a teenager, now as an adult, it's all i know. closeness is always at a distance, if at all. mostly not at all. i have tried on numerous occasions to make it go away, but it's the same as when i was a little kid, so much so that it's just another part of my 'normality', even when someone is close to me i feel lonely, it's shit but whatever.

  • iiz2cool

    I'm feeling it now too, since my marriage of 16 years fell apart in December. A friend stayed with me for a few months, which was great and helped a lot. Unfortunately the friend had to leave, since my JW mom returned to resume her cancer treatment. But she won't be here long anyway.


  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Barbra Streisand,ca. late 1960's,"..people who 'need' people are the luckiest people in the world..." IS A LIE! Whitney Houston, ca.1984,.." the greatest love of all is to love yourself..." Roger that Whitney! Love Song Undaunted Danny Haszard Bucked and boned up in Bangor Maine USA

  • frenchbabyface

    (((Sandy))) lonliness is my friend ... BUT I MISS the hugs and the kisses, and of course I think someone who really loves me and who is not only attracted to me.

    Being in relationship means giving a lot of your time (and I'm not really a giver of time anyway) looking the same horizon. The best would be to find someone like me. Together, but not all the time. I mean I need a lover (not a husband)

    And loneliness is better than selling myself short for hugs and kisses. Still I did it more than once (just because of the need melt with short but strong feelings for someone)

    I'm just not ready I guess or didn't find the right one.

  • Sassy

    aaahhh Sandy. Sorry you are going through something again..

    We'll have fun Friday night! I know it is only one night...but you are welcome to my door any day!

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Sometimes... even when you're married, it's lonely.


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