
by sandy 25 Replies latest social relationships

  • sandy

    Are you lonely and if so why? Is it the loss of a loved one through death, distance, or a failed romance?

    I am not afraid or embarrassed to admit that I am very lonely right now. That's not to say that I am desperate. I am not going to settle for just anybody to help take away loneliness.

    But I do miss my ex and the relationship. I miss holding hands, seeing a movie together, attending a concert, walking to the park and playing catch or just watching TV. and falling asleep with my head on his lap.

    For once in my life am really taking care of myself . I am focusing on finishing school and moving out of my parent's house.

    Just some thoughts I wanted to get off my mind.

    Does Anybody else dare or care to express their loneliness?

  • Sassy

    Loneliness is never a fun thing.. I am sure most of us have been there unless we are in a long marriage/relationship right out of highschool into current....

    Sometimes it would get to me. The only way I dealt with it after leaving my first husband was to keep busy and to seek out new friends to do things with. I am sure my wanting to have someone was what lead me into a couple of stupid choices in life.. one being my second marriage.. so you do have to be careful...

  • Nosferatu

    I've been there. Even with just dating it can get lonely. Having an empty relationship with no meaning doesn't help either. It also gets boring. Meet, date, breakup, meet, date, breakup - it's a repeating cycle.

  • Badger


    I know it now...just got dumped.

    That's the worst...drifting apart on knowing a relationship isn't important is ok, but putting time and effort into something and getting a sudden loss is traumatic.

    in the last few weeks, I've been dumped and my dad has just about cut me off...

    Loneliness isn't just being alone....It's also the perception that you don't have anyone to go to. The ultimate insecurity.

  • Elsewhere

    Look at how quickly all us lonely guys line up.

    I certainly do understand where you are coming from. I also miss all of those little things you described. It's the little things that one craves and remembers with fondness.

    You are right about not falling for just anyone... it's great to chat and go out with someone... but don't let your heart get too committed unless you know the "chemistry" is there.

    ** Gives Sandy a pinch on the bum **

  • flower

    I dont really consider myself lonely for relationship right now. Quite frankly, I've dated all the wrong men and found that the payoff isnt nearly enough to put up with them. So i'm taking a well needed break from all that.

    But I admit I am lonely for the comfort that a group of people called 'family' brings. I used to have a family. 3 sisters 5 brothers, two parents. In the end, they sucked as a family but they were still my family and I miss belonging to that kind of a unit. My last name is meaningless now and I intend to one day change my first name (due to its biblical origins) and my last name due to the fact that it belongs to my father who disowned me and hasnt spoken to me in years.

  • sandy

    Badger you have a PM.

    Elsewhere, I agree about not getting attached. It seems these day I couldn't if I wanted to. My heart is stuck on someone else.

    Nos, I know what you mean about dating just to find yourself breaking up after a short period of time. I tried dating just for fun but at this point it doesn't bring me any comfort. I know I am better off alone for the time being.

  • Sassy

    We need to get together and do some things Sandy!

  • sandy

    Yeah that would be fun Sassy. I'll give you a call within the next few days.

  • itsallgoodnow

    I'm sorry you are dealing with this, but lots of people feel lonely even with family and friends around them, so you are not alone.

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