Are you going to the memorial

by lillost 28 Replies latest jw experiences

  • lillost

    I was asked by my mother today "are you going to the memorial this year"

    I declined most graciously and said thank you for thinking of me, and although I haven't been for the last eight years I thought no more of the ritual invitation.

    Then suddenly it dawned on me that my mothers response was quite abrupt and something along the lines of "well I have done my christian duty by asking you". It was if she was literally washing the blood from her hands and she had tried to save me yet again.

    Has anyone else experienced this my mother has always talked to me with all civility about the "truth", I just wondered if there is new counsel now in how to deal with daughters and family that have fallen by the wayside.

    Appreciate your help

  • shotgun

    No..don't think so anyway..If I go I'll only be picking it apart anyway so what's the point!

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours


    Aw, what that heck, it's just one hour and then we get to go to dinner afterwards; of course, with the 'spiritually weak' crowd.


  • franklin J
    franklin J


    I am not going ( no one invited me!) and no, I do not know if there is any "new light".

    But I want to complement you on your gracious and polite attitude in your response to them. We still have to live with ourselves; and knowing that we can keep up composure and civility in light of the way they treat us says much for your character.

    best wishes, Frank

  • Sassy

    This will be the first one I miss.

  • shamus

    I have not been invited nor wil I go. IN fact, I do not wish to even know what date it will be; it seems stupid now.


    I could go and cause a stir in this town, LOL!

    It sounds like your mother is doing her "christian" duty all right, LOL! What a sick way of expressing it. But remember, that I was once like your mother too, and much of us were. There is still hope for everything.

    Why not call her back and tell her that you're worshipping satan that night; or a Survivor repeat is on and you don't want to miss it, LOL!

  • Nosferatu

    Every year, the same thing. Mother asks me if I wanna go. I tell her, "If I go, I'll partake of the emblems". Then she says, "You know better than that!" Then I don't go. Same shit for the past 7 years.

  • itsallgoodnow

    She's just getting frustrated or having a bad day. Two reasons why this could or will happen again:

    1- she's always hearing that parents are responsible for whether their kids, whether underage or grown, stay in "the truth". The bad-parenting guilt trip.

    2- she's always hearing that if she can't give up because you'll eventually come around, and she wishes it was easier and wonders what is wrong that you haven't come around yet. The unbelieving-mate (in your case, parent) guilt trip.

    Both ways, it comes back to her own insecurities and the pressure she's getting from the stage and from her friends.

  • SpunkyChick

    Nope, I'm not ever going to a memorial at a KH ever ever EVER again. I did enjoy Easter Mass last year. I might do that again and *ideally* would love for JW's to drive by and see me leaving the chuch.

  • obiwan

    Only if I want to be shot by my girlfriend!

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