JW takes children to R-rated movie, The Passion

by blondie 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Candy and Luis Cuevas had no regrets about taking their three children with them to a late afternoon showing Wednesday at Colonnade. The Cuevases have two daughters, ages 9 and 8, and a 3-year-old son.

    "I want them to see why Jesus died, and it was a great movie," said Candy Cuevas, 29, a Jehovah's Witness. "They have a better perspective from seeing it, I think."

    Her children, as well as many others interviewed, described being disturbed by the film but said they were happy to have seen it.


  • donkey

    I was listening to a talk show and a conservative talk show host was questioned about the violence and gore. Her response something along: "Well we know kids have witnessed 12,000 murders by the time they finish elementary school because of the smut we see on TV".

    So now the Xian's will use the bad statistics to bolster their argument for seeing the movie - double standards are so lovely.

  • nobody told me
    nobody told me

    Bet there will be a local needs talk soon in that hall, of course the C.O.'s and D.O's will convey the borgs view of this movie in no time.

  • Sunspot

    *** Bet there will be a local needs talk soon in that hall, of course the C.O.'s and D.O's will convey the borgs view of this movie in no time.***

    I thought that at first, but stop and think how many months the media has been talking about it--hyping it--condemning it--praising it--and interviewing anyone connected with making it--long before the actual showing. If the WTS was on the ball (what with their direct channel from Jah, dontcha know) you'd think that they would've been warning the sheep about the R-rating and the violence QUITE a while ago.

    From all I've heard about it on TV, it amazes me that this couple took their CHILDREN (at those ages) to sit through that film no matter WHAT "value" they might have thought would be gotten from it!! YIKE!!!



  • Will Power
  • Will Power
    Will Power

    sorry, double post.

    Wouldn't they feel silly when they go back to school (hopefully they go) and when asked about the violence they say aahhh thats nothing compared to what is coming "soon" but "boy do they ever have a ton of facts wrong - like "it wasn't a cross....

    Could this be the "persecution is coming", "loyalty to the org", "the truth is what WE tell you it is" studies that have been blatant lately?


  • Nosferatu

    Well, think about all those Armageddon pictures in the childrens' JW publications. JWs taking their kids to see this movie doesn't really surprise me. Also, all JWs watch the 10 Commandments at easter time so the fact of it being a worldly movie has no effect.

  • shamus

    How dare they watch this, all from satanic persons who made this film!!!


  • freedom96

    I am suprised that a witness took their very young children to see an R rated film. Of course, the kids must have been reminded a million times afterwards that Jesus died on a stake, not a cross, according to the witnesses.

    Though I know many kids see a lot of violence on tv, this was brutal in several ways. One, it is a true story, another is that most of the violence stems from beating Jesus. Not only do you see him getting whipped, you see the flesh tear from his body and blood spraying the Romans doing the torture, much of it in slow motion. This is a different type of violence that most are used to, and it takes someone more mature than a young child not only to grasp the realization of what happened, but handle the gore.

  • Badger

    ...But Janet's naked breast? right out.

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