Were you raised as a dub or did you convert?

by BLISSISIGNORANCE 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby

    I was raised a dub from the birth canal. I was handed a "Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained" book instead of a pacifier.

    My grandma started all this shite since Rutherfords day and had 8 kids.....and every damn one of them grew up to be good little dubs which left me with a crapload of relatives who think I'm an apostate heathen bastard! My family is now 5 generations knee deep in dubdom.


  • darkuncle29

    In the summer of 1981 my mother was contacted in the dorr to door ministry when we were living in a little mountian town in Arizona. She lept into JWism pretty fast, and by the fall she was dragging us kids to meeting. I was 7 years old and the oldest of four sibs, youngest being 2. The KH was small with a little wood stove in the back. That December we all moved back to Wisconsin to be near her family, our father had preceded us in moving a few monthes prior. This was the actual belief and behavior transition for us kids. In the new school a sister from the hall helped explain to my teacher that we were JWs and I would not be participating in XYZ. The kicker is that nobody told me I was not participatingin XYZ. That school year ended miserably for me. (2nd grade) Next year and new school 80 miles away, this time in a small hick town, she finially explained to us kids what was going on. What?!? No Christmas?!? Her family reacted the same and was not happy. From that point we did not see our very large extended family very often, and never for special occasions. Spring ahead to 1987, June 17th, we all move to Seattle Washington. Major culture shock. We were small town folk. At least we finished our schooling in one district so we could keep our friends. This was also slowly the begining of the end of our parents marriage. Present: We are all out of the BorG. My dad is DFd. Only our mother still holds some of the beliefs, but she is innactive and is not likely to go back. She is wanting to go to the memorial this year, but noone has invited her yet. Her house is only two blocks away from the KH here in XXXXXX XXXX WA, so of course all those caring dubbies stop by and leave mags at the end of their service time.

  • boa

    nice chatting with you tonight bliss,

    i was born into it and was the most naivest (new word), hardcorest (same) dub in the family I think except for my gramma who goes very loopy when discussing the troof, which is pretty much all the time.

    so its 3rd generation for me and as far as I concernced with my children this train ride stops here and believe you me, there gonna get all the preparation I can give them to defend them from such an org, any org, that would control your life so. Unfortunately some people just drift towards it anyway - sigh. I think the jws have finished me off for any religion but I may discover something to believe in after I recover a bit more.

    like an alien forming in my belly ready to explode out of me, some common sense, practical, skeptical, reasoning, thinking part of me deep down, began to let itself be known. I think the alien inside didn't like bethel food, which I personally didn't mind that much, so it started to grumble way back then 6 yrs ago and recently, within the last month, after coming to this site and reading coc, it has torn my insides out, thank god for all of you that you can't see me here all stitched and bandaged up, but at least the alien is out and I am free and I don't drink so much anymore. Now he and I play chess and watch movies and stay up late telling dirty jokes which is fine as long as he's not too loud to wake up the wife - what a doll.


    if yer a witness and when yer fearful about something, uhhh, everything, just say this to yerself dubdubdubudbdubdubdubdubudubdubdub

  • fader

    parents started studying when I was six months old. They baptized when I was four. I cried because I thought my Mom would have a beard (b/c in the yellow My Book of BS Jesus had a beard when he got baptized). I was baptized at 14, started to fade at 18...

    PS: Talk about weird: just figured out eyeslice knows my family. He can attest to the fact that I come from a bunch of uberwits

  • prophecor

    I was an outsider looking to get in.I wanted in desperately, I got in , I just couldn't fit in. It was and still is, I imagine, difficult for those not born into the Organization to make the full transition, I learned of the way at such an early age but became overwhelmed by it "The seed on the side of the road with no root", it took me 17 years after the stress of outside influences like drugs, girls, peer pressure, and overall struggle with KH teaching me that everything I enjoyed like music "100s of tapes destroyed, trashed, or ceremonialy dumped in the river",higher education, marriage, etal could very well lead to my destruction. I'll always remember the words of the article, Are You Being Entertained By What Jehovah Hates.I was so guilt laden, its such a legalistic outfit, Who could possibly make a determination with regard to what Jehovah Hates? As far as I'd been led to believe, Jehovah hates anything thats humanly disconnected from the organization. I felt like the cult phrase goes, a "human doing and not a human being."

  • talesin

    born and raised - 3rd gen on one side/2nd on the other

    to quote fader: *I come from a bunch of uberwits*



  • FlyingHighNow

    Thank god I was not raised a JW. I was raised in the Episcopal Church and was allowed to attend any church I wanted to. I was also allowed to explore and make up my own mind about churches, eastern philosophies, etc.

    Too bad I had to be vulnerable to the WTBTS when my brother died. I was a late teen. Baptized a little later and faithful until my thirties when my whole world came crashing down sort of Job style, minus my children being killed. But through that horrid nightmare there came some sunshine through a crack in the clouds. I never went back. Both my kids are out and I am free of an oppressive JW marriage. So glad God had the mercy to show me the way out.


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