What is the next Book Study Book?

by codeblue 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • codeblue

    Ok...just noticing the Worship the Only True God Book will end the week of March 8th...what is the next book to be studied?

    I would appreciate your help in this matter!


  • Scully

    It's going to be "Draw Close to Jehovah" (again!)

    Love, Scully

  • buddhatarian

    Its that newish one on Jehovah.. "Jehovah, A God Who Cares" ?? I think that's the title. I know because they've been after me to come back lately...stopping by my business and bringing me WTs, inviting me to meetings, etc. I don't want to tell these guys I'm not coming back because they were sent by the 'brother' who owns the music store where I take lessons. I have so much fun there (my teacher is not a Witness) and it will be awkward when the 'brother' finds out I'm Unitarian now, and refuses to speak to me anymore. I don't hate him or any witness, and its a lot of fun when he brings out his guitar and we all sing and have little jams. I've been able to avoid the subject up til recently, when he started asking me about my meeting attendance and stuff (he is an elder, different cong than the one I attended). Now he's sicced my elders on me...*sigh* I suppose it will all come out. My only consolation is how bad it will make the witnesses look to the non- witnesses there when he won't talk to me, and I explain why!

  • TheOldHippie

    Draw Close To Jehovah - but it can hardly be said to be "again", as it is a new book!

  • Gopher

    I've been out of the loop awhile, but let me guess.

    This book is about how to rely on "the organization" for your needs. You should go to the "the organization's" elders for help and advice, and confess to them all your errors. And you should draw all your association from "the organization". Further, you would do well to spend more time directing people to "the organization".

    Only trust people in "the organization". Don't spend undue time with those outside "the organization", because they won't encourage you in your ministry for "the organization".

    And the book's title again is -- Draw close to.... who?

  • TheOldHippie

    Sorry, but this time you are NOT correct, as it is a book dealing with the qualities of God, more like the "The Greatest Man" - type.

  • ozziepost

    I wonder if anyone's ever suggested the Bible as the book to study?

  • blondie

    It will most likely be the "Draw Close to Jehovah" book that was a new release in 2002. Unlike the Worship book it is not an obvious rehash of an older book but I'm sure Brother Cut and Paste had a large part in "writing" it.


  • Scully

    TheOldHippie writes:

    Draw Close To Jehovah - but it can hardly be said to be "again", as it is a new book!

    According to the Sister? who gave me the book last week, heaved a heavy sigh and said that it was being studied "again" (this will be the second time the book is going to be considered at the Book Study?). She didn't look too excited about it. Love, Scully

  • Sunspot

    I wonder if anyone's ever suggested the Bible as the book to study? ***(this will be the second time the book is going to be considered at the Book Study?). She didn't look too excited about it.*** I remember the THIRD time we studied the "Greatest Man" book, and I wasn't too thrilled EITHER!! I got "comments" too, about the fact that I didn't get myself and five kids NEW books and used our old ones (already marked, of course! haha!) Too bad! Sheesh! ***I wonder if anyone's ever suggested the Bible as the book to study?*** Now THAT'S a stupid idea!!!! (KIDDING!!!) hugs, Annie

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