Did You Enjoy Simply Passing The Bread & Wine At The Memorial?

by minimus 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sunspot

    ~So let's say you do drop or spill - what is the penalty?~

    Family Man.......Being talked about for the rest of Eternity as "the one who spilled the wine/ unleavened bread" and will never live it down!!! LOL!

    Much like the kid who peed his britches in 3rd grade and cried in front of the whole class-----people ALWAYS remember that kid!



  • logansrun

    I always got this weird sexual feeling at the Memorial. Maybe it was all the hotties dressed in their best outfits (usually the first semi-warm weather clothes they wear to the KH....exposed feet, painted toenails....yummm....)


  • minimus

    There you go again! Even the Memorial gets you sexually excited! You need to get a woman.

  • heathen

    I had the same thought farkel did . Once I did go to see if any of you apostates were there a couple of years ago ,I remember I was sitting by the phone when it started ringing and peoples cell phones were ringing . I mean jeeze couldn't they at least take the friggen KH phone off the friggen hook on such a solem occassion ? I sat through the public talk but once they started passing the food and wine around looking like idiots the old GET ME THE HELL OUTA HERE !!!!!!!!!! came through loud and clear so I left .

  • minimus

    We used to go out to eat and drink after the Memorial. I'd come from work, straight to the meeting, so after seeing all the food and booze, we needed to get our own.

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