A sincere thank you

by Puternut 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Puternut

    I don't even know where to start. I wanted to thank all of you who responded to my post yesterday. You all have made some personal expressions that are invaluable to me. I am going through a faze, which was totally un-anticipated. I guess I need to allow myself to accept these at times. Though I am by nature a survivor, I found myself in a predicament for which I had no answers. And so I reached out to you.

    I was once again overwhelmed by the support and encouragements you extended in my behalf. I find that this is THE place to vent, hurt, cry, and laugh at the same time. Though you are not in my shoes, you have experienced in different ways similar things, and you were able to relate. I had numerous PM's, emails, and phone calls. And you did that all selflessly. You are all to be commended for you kind efforts, and unconditional love. That is something I actually never found in the borg.

    Just the fact, that I know I can come here and just talk, makes a world of difference. Talking is part of the healing, and so is a good cry. I owe this to myself, because I need to go on with life, just as you have.

    I wanted to thank the moderators and founders of this site who put this place together. It's the best thing you ever did for people. It's a life line.

    There are two special people in particular, who I would like to thank especially. Simplesally and Sassy, who kept talking with me into the wee hours. Talk about multi tasking. My fingers are still sore from typing. But it was good to keep my mind occupied, and I am very greatful. This by no means minimizes the important role of others who showed kindnesses in my behalf.

    For all the Washington friends, I intend to attend the March 20th fest, and would like to meet some of you. Be assured that you will be hugged and kissed regardless of gender, as an expression of appreciation. (something that was not encouraged in the borg)

    To my other dear friends, some of you I fully intend to meet outside the Washington area. Others perhaps I will never meet, but I never say never. So here you have it, you are family to me, and you are stuck with me :P When one of us hurts, we all hurt. And I am here to help you as well. We need each other.

    From the bottom of my heart; Thank you all, I love you all.


  • Sassy

    Puternut, you are definately loved back by the friends here on the board. We are family here. We're glad we could be there for you. We are all learning lessons here. I know I am too. Whoever said we couldn't have relationships outside of the WTS lied to us. Look what we have. We're here for you as long as you need it and we know, on days down the road you will do the same for others.

    Hope today is a better day for you!

  • Sentinel



  • simplesally


    Glad we helped.........and nice to get to know you!

  • outoftheorg

    Hey Pute.

    Glad to hear you are feeling better. Thanks for your thanking all who posted here. I would like to visit you folks in Washington area. But I live in SW Idaho and you seem so darned far away.

    Again, best wishes to you my friend.


  • cruzanheart

    (((((Puternut))))) Hope you can "sail" down to Dallas one day!


  • Sassy

    I am trying to talk him into joining us for the Texas Apsotachillifest!!

  • Puternut

    Simplesally, nice to get to know you too. Small world huh? We'll visit later as we planned.............

    Outoftheborg, I am not that far away as you think. I travel often and perhaps we can meet halfway? And a phone call is never far away.

    Cruzanheart, I always wanted wheels on my boat. But depending on the time of year, I like to consider it.......yes

    Sassy, you know I don't have to go to Texas to come see you. I know where to find ya......

  • Sassy
    Sassy, you know I don't have to go to Texas to come see you. I know where to find ya......

    that is true Puter.. and Sally is just down the road from me.. imagine the stories we would tell you in person!!

    (she told me what a small world it is.. I was like WOW... wow.. you just never never know who knows who...........)

  • larc

    Puter Guy, I found your thank you essay to be very touching. I brought my wife in to read it. She was touched at well. We all try to do our part, don't we?

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