Christianity the biggest scam ever!!!

by William Penwell 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • RedWytch


    hear, hear!

  • Dawn

    Hi William:

    I did honestly research this topic a few years back. I was studying various religions and trying to make a decision on what to do and decided to start with a clean slate - not taking for granted that Jesus or God even existed. I found that there is evidence of Jesus' existence outside of the bible and Christian writers - Josephus is only one example, there are other letters and historical documents from political leaders of the time that speak of Jesus and the christian movement. Perhaps you should do a little more research on this.

    The thing that made me really believe in Jesus was studying prophecies that he fulfilled - mainly in Isaiah and Daniel. Since the Old Testament scriptures were translated into Greek (the septuagint ) prior to Jesus' birth we know they were in existence before he arrived on the scene. To add to this is the fact that a large portion of the Isaiah text was found with the dead sea scrolls - dating well before his birth. Isaiah contains numerous prophecies about Jesus including events surrounding his birth as well as how he would die.

    Daniel outlines the time when Jesus would be born.

    Daniel 9:25 Know and understand this: From the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One, the ruler, comes, there will be seven `sevens,' and sixty-two `sevens.'

    ...The First Coming occurred exactly 483 years after "the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem,". The Jews of that time knew the time table - hence the reason why so many asked both Jesus and John the Baptist "are you him"? They were expecting a messiah.

    Combining that with the fact that this "Jesus" has made the largest impact on human history of any individual - even our calendars are based on his birth.

    There have been individuals that have made huge impacts on history - but none have reached even close to the impact of Jesus - nor have they fulfilled prophecies on this level that could be proven were written prior to their existence.

  • Undecided

    What is the reason for us being here? Are we here to please some invisible character in heaven? Were we created to bring some pleasure to this God by being a faithful slave to his will? If this is the case why did he make us so weak and sickly, so dependent on our own will to survive, so prone to do things that would displease him, so ignorant of him that man makes his own view of what God is, as shown by all the conflicting faiths throughout the earth? If there is a God, why do we have to rely on some other human to explain him and what he wants from us?

    I'm still undecided on all this spiritual (unseen and unproven) crap that I hear about all the time from religious people. My wife is a believer and I don't mind her having this crutch, since she doesn't push it on me, but I just can't accept it after observing the religious groups in my area. She doesn't go to church anymore because of the hypocrisy she has seen in the churches she has attended.

    That's just my opinion at the present time in my life.

    Ken P.

    PS: I just noticed I really didn't give a real opinion except calling it crap. So I guess that is my opinion.

  • patio34

    Someone on page one of this thread asked for evidence that Jesus didn't exist. Someone else said you can't prove a negative. Sorry, I can't see them from the reply page.

    But believe me there IS a lot of evidence that the Jesus described in the gospels did not exist. Rather, there isn't much evidence to put belief in such a tale.

    But, as I said in one of my original posts on this thread, is that I don't care enough to do all the research. It makes no difference if such a person existed, even though the miracles, etc. would continue to be unproven. If one cares to do the research, then one should do it for themselves. There's a lot of info out there.


    P.S. Another reason I don't care to provide book titles and excerpts that dispute the existence of Jesus (and there are a whole lot more that provide a lot of evidence about the Bible's veracity also) is that I don't care much if people believe or not believe. That's another good thing about being an atheist. It isn't my business what people believe, but i don't have to believe it nor convince them of anything.

    The only time I see red is when Christians, etc., try to influence my life by getting into government and law.

    P.S. # 2 Re: throwing out the baby with the bath water may be applicable in some cases, but in mine, I was always doubting the existence of a god, even when I was very religious. My turning point came when I could no longer convince myself that such a being existed. For me it was never anything but a choice between creation and evolution. When I finally decided to read some books by evolutionary scientists themselves instead of the religious-filtered information, I instantly left. The proverbial "baby" never existed and had no application to me and people like me. It's presumptuous and painting with a broad brush to use that cliche for people who leave religion.

    P.S. #3--I sound SO serious. I'm really very cheerful and wish all the best to all of you today. It's raining in Southern California (unlike the old song that it never rains in Southern California, haha). Cheers and a dozen roses for all of you:



  • donkey
    Do you have something or someone to replace Jesus? That we do not walk through life empty and void of meaning? I doubt that you do.

    When you quit doing blow try spiking the silver girl...that way you won't feel so bad.

  • donkey


    Are you an atheist now? Just interested to know how you have progressed on your exit path.


  • DevonMcBride

    Here is the link to a very good web site called Christianity Revealed.

  • gitasatsangha

    Hi RedWytch and welcome to JWD.

  • RedWytch

    Heya! and thanks for the welcome

  • itsallgoodnow

    I still have a lot more research to do before I've decided if I believe in Christianity or Jesus or the Bible, or if not. Undecided, but skeptical.

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