JWD Survivor

by Xena 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Uzzah

    oh I forgot to mention that grabbing someone else's nuts is even worse!

    Well unless the grabber is female and the grabbee is me, but even then, grabbing sounds painful.... nevermind ... now .. gentle caressing on the other hand.... but that would just be too weird to do to coconuts.

  • LyinEyes

    I was thinking the same thing about the guys wearing the coconut shells..........hehe. Some might have to find the baby coconut shells, huh???

  • Xena

    Your just bitter PD cause you know you would get your ass voted off ASAP!

  • Sargon

    Hey if it's a hit; for a sequel you could do:

    My Big Fat Obnoxious Apostate!!

  • onacruse

    Yet another thread gone sex south.

  • Xena

    lol sargon...can you imagine it...taking one of us home to the JW family??

  • Sargon

    Especially me Xena... I almost do look like my Avatar (if you ignore the wooden leg)!!

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    Or we could do a A al trump aprentince, called the Apostate.

    Start off with 32 peeps and narrow it down weekly to see who in here is the true apostate.

    I would win!

  • Uzzah

    Hey Sargon, you like kinda stoned in your avatar.

    Uzzah - who is in a strange frame of mind tonight. I'll be back to my normal stoic 'online self' shortly.

  • Xena

    lol uzzah, I like the strange mood..but then I'm a strange person myself

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