Worst band names ever

by Nosferatu 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedom96

    Maroon 5 comes to mind.

  • DanTheMan

    Crash Test Dummies

    Stone Temple Pilots

    The Cranberries

  • tink
    Strawberry Alarm Clock

    i was totally going to say that!

    i don;t know if someone already mentioned it, but what about sixpence none the richer? ekdfjhd!! or!! remember chumbawumba? bad!!

  • gitasatsangha

    bands i thought had lousy names (limited to 10)

    1. Republica (Saffron will be forever linked to Reagan in my mind)
    2. Something Happens (but listen to them and you'll wish it didn't)
    3. An#l C&nt (yecch)
    4. Roxy Music (liked the band, didn't like the name)
    5. The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band (I like my dirt with less grits and nits.)
    6. Anderson, Wakeman, Bruford and Howe (see below)
    7. Yes (A band that had three tries at a good name and failed both times)
    8. The Blowmonkeys (nuff said)
    9. Ned's Atomic Dustbin (why not name it Generic PostPunk Band)
    10. Captain and Tenielle. (that one godawful song, and a guy in a skipper cap)
  • tink

    i absolutely *love* these guys (everyone pick up a copy of Band Geek Mafia!!) but the Voodoo Glow Skulls.....well, actually now that i type it i can't decide if it just sucks, or if it sucks so much i actually really like it. hm. you decide.

  • fraidycat9

    Right Said Fred

  • Pleasuredome
    Is it too late to suggest "A Flock of Seagulls"?

    yes its far too late! my choice: buggles wings dumpy's rusty nuts

  • Valis


    District Overbeer

  • Nosferatu

    LOL@Gary Glitter! Although I like his music, his name, his look, and his reputation sucks.

    Here's another one: Engelbert Humperdinck

  • Valis

    Dude have you ever seen his Christmas video? *LOL* Dude he looks like a serial killer....*LOL* Wouldn't let that one near the kiddies...*LOL*


    District Overbeer

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