This Forum.....What Benefit is Is thesedays?

by ScoobySnax 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • True North
    True North

    I only recently discovered this forum and lurked awhile before making my first post. I've benefited from what I've read here and have received helpful answers to posts. Although I was a complete stranger to them, some forum members took the time to PM some additional information to me; I really appreciated that.

    If there has been some repetition in thread content, as a newbie I certainly can't complain. Quite the contrary: it's all new to me. In fact, I felt that some of the "old hands" were being rather generous to us newbies in their willingness to go back over ground that must have been covered before. As time goes by, perhaps I'll tire of reading the same old things over again. If so, then I just won't read those threads. On the other hand, maybe I'll toss in my two cents to try and help someone else who's new.

    One more thing, I truly wish that this site and -- and the public Internet/Web for that matter -- had been around when I was first being sucked into the JW org., or at least when I finally left it some twenty years ago. I think that there's a good chance that they would have spared me some misery.

  • ScoobySnax
    ScoobySnax merely come across as intelligent, however if any one looks a bit closer to your reply to my thread they will see that you have only really intially provided yet more "high brow" insults about drowning in spittle etc etc....I invite them to read my original post and your replies.

    In answer to my critisism of this boards posts on occasions, they remain valid and I stand by them. Like you I have every reason HS to air my view. Unlike you however, on reading your last reply to me I see you turning the whole topic in question back on its head so it enables you to evade my original question and turn the question back on me and intself.

    Firstly this smacks of evasion of my original question, and an inability on your own part to be able to provide a sufficient and suitable reply by yourself.

    Secondly My previous posts up to and including the very one before I posted on JWD have no bearing to the current post/ question I posed, as much as you may like to include them as they relate to me on a personal level.

    Thirdly. I do believe that rather than be the one that runs away or evades questions, it is you yourself that firstly uses ridicule then switch tactics to employ and create a very deceptive reply to my posts.

    I did start this thread HS, you are right. But I am happy to continue it. Will you respond....."will you not"?

    You know HS. my granny once said "don't bullshit a bullshitter"

    With deepest regard


  • hillary_step


    You really have a gift for missing the point.

    The point is, yes the Board may indeed need some more serious and focused posts and may need an adjustment in direction every so often. If you percieve this issue as being a valid one then you can approach it in two ways. You can do something about it, or complain about it.

    Now, complaining about the situation *after* you have tried to remedy it is perfectly acceptable. Complaining beofre you have tried to attend to the issue opens you up to the kind of criticism and questions that a number of people have levelled at you. What have you done, or what are you going to do to remedy the situation?

    Phantom Stranger co-signs your post and has the freedom of speech to do so as he has made numerous posts to this Board of serious interest. The tenor of your past posts however, have actually added to the problem that you seek to highlight.

    This is not rocket science Scooby, it is elastic band propulsion...

  • xenawarrior
    If there has been some repetition in thread content, as a newbie I certainly can't complain. Quite the contrary: it's all new to me. In fact, I felt that some of the "old hands" were being rather generous to us newbies in their willingness to go back over ground that must have been covered before. As time goes by, perhaps I'll tire of reading the same old things over again. If so, then I just won't read those threads. On the other hand, maybe I'll toss in my two cents to try and help someone else who's new.

    BINGO !!!! That's what it's all about !! Thanks true north !!

  • SixofNine
    You know HS. my granny once said "don't bullshit a bullshitter"

    Personally, I think what Hillary is doing is throwing pearls before swine, you pathetic and smarmy troll.

    This forum's benefit is approximately the same as it was the day it started. Your dislike of criticism of the WT matters not one wit to a person who needs to finally free themselves from the bullshit that is the WTBTS.

  • seattleniceguy


    When I first came here, I didn't have an interest in anything but the WT-related threads. I was undergoing a period of revelations, and thinking out loud through a lot of different topics was very helpful to me. Now I post less on those threads - indeed, less in general - but I know they are useful.

    There are so many people here in so many different places. I think it's great that a person can walk around a bit and stick her head into the doctrine circle, and then walk over to the movies

  • seattleniceguy


    When I first came here, I didn't have an interest in anything but the WT-related threads. I was undergoing a period of revelations, and thinking out loud through a lot of different topics was very helpful to me. Now I post less on those threads - indeed, less in general - but I know they are useful.

    There are so many people here in so many different places. I think it's great that a person can walk around a bit and stick her head into the doctrine circle, and then walk over to the movies and entertainment circle, and so on. It's like a buffet. I'm never angry when a buffet contains many more foods than those that I'd like to eat.

    I certainly found this forum helpful, and I really do see new faces here every week. I think we're helping in real ways.


  • cyber-sista

    i am a newby still wet behind the ears and find all of the info here very helpful as I have not viewed any of it before. Maybe after a while i will get old and jaded, but for now it has been a refreshment from my old JW days...

  • ScoobySnax

    and yet insignificant as it is to you Sixofnine...... you start the same way. Insults, then a percieved few words of wisdom......

    It matters not "one wit" from this pathetic and smarmy makes no difference.

    Oh but it does lets watchers see your words.

    Personally, it also lets me see just how much it bothers you..

  • Valis

    you are trolling by your own admission...gnite Scoob....and ya I locked it this time.

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