Which character do you indentify with on TV shows.S&City, Soprano's etc.?

by LyinEyes 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • LyinEyes

    So ladies,,,,Speaking of Sex and the City,,,,at the end of the show,as we have watched the characters evolve ,which one do you indentify most with? If not that show what about another character on another show?

    For the men, how about you,,,,,,,,what show character do you identify with,,,,,maybe someone off of the Soprano's , Seinfield, Wings, Cheers, Queer as Folk, etc.?

  • itsallgoodnow

    I see myself in all 4 of the girls, but mostly Miranda and Charlotte, actually. They were all great.

    The sopranos - I actually identify with Tony- the mother issues, the double life... that's me all the way.

  • gitasatsangha


  • Tatiana

    I want to be Jennifer Beals on the "L" Word.....

  • Badger

    I've been compared to:

    Frasier Crane
    Dick Vitale
    Vince McMahon
    A cross between George and Elaine
    John Munch from "Law and Order SVU"

  • eisenstein

    hey lyineyes,

    I have only seen one episode of "Sex & the City" (I don't have HBO) but on that show I could relate to all of the women...have a lot of catching up to do with reruns...

    But I feel I am a cross between Rachael on "Friends" and Raymond's brother on "Everybody Loves Raymond" LOL kinda funny aye?


  • Badger

    Eisenstien....sounds cute....

    So why is Kim Possible your avatar?

  • eisenstein

    Badger, thanks,

    ...because with God all things are possible...even kim (my real name) I love the cartoon too!!!


  • pr_capone

    Definately George from Seinfield. Except without all the hot womengs always on him.

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • simplesally

    I think Miranda and Charlotte.

    Miranda: because really she does love people, she does care about her friends but she wants to be tough...........I want to pretend sometimes that it just doesn't matter that there is no one who really really loves me (except my daughter and parents........but even with my parents, its conditional). I have to be the single mom and take care of things......she is an attorney and although I am not, I have an excellant job that afford luxuries like owning a house and not having to penny pinch........but sometimes I wish I didn't have that demanding job where you are expected to excel. I put in a lot of hours at work, my child is in daycare but every minute with her is unforgetable and certainly I don't begrudge the time I spend with her.......

    Charlotte: I want to believe that there is a man for me............hopeless romantic that someday it will work out, that God will remember my address.

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