"The Passion of The Christ" -- a review

by MegaDude 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedom96

    I am looking forward to the movie, though the graphic violence will be tough.

  • Amy in PA
    Amy in PA

    I don't think my heart can handle this one.. Just reading the reviews makes me feel sick and sad.

    I did travel to Oberammergau, Germany in the year 2000 to see The Passion Play, which is devoted to the Passion of Christ. This amazing play is performed only every 10 years and has been performed for about 370 years now. The cast of over 1,650 adults and 550 children was amazing. This play lasts all day long with only a 2 hour break for lunch. It was heart-wrenching to watch. The crucifiction scene was graphic, realistic, and memorable. I don't think I want to see this again.

  • Mulan

    Thank you for posting this review.

    Now I know I will definitely NOT see it. I hate graphic violence and misery, even if it really did happen and is accurate. I just don't need to see it.

  • CountryGuy

    Can't wait to see it.
    A group of my friends are all going together. We already bought tickets for one of this Saturday's showings.


  • Carmel

    I think it is very interesting how Bill O'Riely and other known Catholics have kept the story on the news at all costs. I personally think they are promoting the film by constantly keeping the "anti semitism argument" going. No one gets the free coverage like the Catholics. On the other hand, O'Reily doesn't back down from blaming the Pope for part of the molestation coverup by the bishops..


  • Purple

    My family are freaking out a bit at the moment. Uncle Mel seems to have flipped his lid a bit and we are all scratching our head trying to work out why he would make a picture like this. It doesn't seem in charatcer for him but it has been a few years since I saw him last.

  • LyinEyes

    I am going to go see it , my 17 year old is very interested in seeing it as well. We both are not sure what we believe , as in God, Jesus, everything. I am anxious to see what my reaction will be , seeing something about Jesus this way.......As a witness I always felt a closeness more to Jesus than to "Jehovah".

    I can handle the gore,,,,,,,,it is sad,,, I don't like those slasher movies,that are there for just the sake of the gore. I know I will cry, because this is how things really happened back then. I am not sure I will let my younger two children see it, of course I will see it first .

    Thanks MegaReporterDude for the review.

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Side point about Gibson's depiction of Pilate: He was known as a ruthless and violent governor who was actually recalled from duty to Rome after quelling an uprising in too violent a fashion (i.e., got fired). Sounds like the friendly dude in the movie, no?

    I recall that the Jewish groups have complained that Gibson's figure of Satan appears in the Jewish crowds, but never anywhere near Pilate.

  • berten

    Gibson is becoming IMO more and more a religious nutcase,

    I'm not going to support this religious hype and see his movie.

    So what? This person named Christ,of which the existance is not even sure,

    died on a cross,while before and after his time (And most probably during his time too)

    other people suffered much more and longer.

    By the way,this has nothing to do with the purported antisemitism of the story,

    it's this religious madness that bothers me.We should all be in *awe*,according to Mr Mad Max Gibson.

    Want to see a great movie about this person called Christ?

    Then go see "Il Vangelo Secondo Matteo" by Pasolini (An atheist no less.)

    No Fluff,No bombast,No Idolatry.Just the straight story:


  • Abaddon


    "We don't need another hero... "

    I'll wait until it's on video.

    It's enjoyable how news itens like this make the nutters stick their heads out of their hole in the ground.

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