There must have been.....

by Purple 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • joenobody

    Minimus, the only ones who EVER offered me gas money were some 80 year old special pioneers who couldn't afford anything for themselves! I of course refused it.

  • Purple

    Well I am glad that some of you could recall something positive. I am still thinking although it is with aching bones at the moment and two ibuprofen as I have just come home from my weekly atempt at learning Karate. Although why I am thinking with my bones is another topic for another thread! Seriously I think I want to try to remember some good times but I am really hard pressed to.

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    I must admit that despite the fact I hated my year of service at bethel I did in fact meet some beutifal people there that I would have given my left arm for. Not many mind you but some great guys that we had good times with.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I too will not forget some of the kindnesses shown to me by some

    When I was pregnant with my second child I was on Drs orders of complete bed rest. I had a 4 yr old at home with me att he time and my husband was a MS heading towards being an elder. Several sisters made meals for us and one would take my daughter to her place for a few hours.

    I used to arrange picnics in the park after the Sunday meetings and we had a great time playing ball and sharing food (well until the WTS ended it all)

    During the summers a bunch of sisters with kids would get together and once every 2 weeks all get together with the kids for an activity - tour of the city or visit a park. We even arranged a trip to the fire station. And the deaf sisters and children were always included. One little fellow who had some hearing just beamed with delight when the firemen allowed him to blow the horn on the firetruck and he heard it.

    And there were always those who were ready to help us move when we needed it.

    One sister and I always got together on Friday nights to do our shopping leaving the kids at home with the husbands. We had a great time and always went for coffee (or ice cream) after. I miss her a lot.

    I remember as if it was yesterday the sister who clasped my hand and welcomed me home after 3 years in foster care (and being away from my family)

    A great deal of the time I felt like I didn't belong (well I guess I didn't cuz I'm here now) but there were those special people that remain in my mind and heart. I hope some have found a way to be free.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    ack I don't wanna be a thread killer

  • Nosferatu

    I had a buddy (who's dfed now) whom I had some great laughs with. We would always find something amusing to laugh at. Whenever we would go rollerskating on Sunday night, he'd always request "Thunderstruck" by AC/DC. One night, we requested it and said it was for (insert other JW's name here). The DJ gladly dedicated our request over the speakers. There was another guy who was big into computers that I made friends with. We would play around with each others' computers. He quit going to the meetings and moved out to BC.

    The second guy I studied with bought me an ant farm. We went out to find ants to put in it.

    There were also conditional acts of kindness, but I won't get into them in this thread. Pretty sad, that's all I remember.

  • Sunnygal41

    When my ex-husband had open heart surgery, there were many in the hall who were supportive........some even came to the hospital and sat with me while they did the surgery. There were the times a group of us, husbands/wives would travel to different states and the guys would go golfing and us women would hang out, go shopping. There is one couple only, that I miss with all my heart..........well, actually three. However, because I chose to end my marriage, I'm probably on their shit list. My issues were not with them, my issues were that I could not be who I was and be a Witness. I never meant to hurt any of them. Bottom line is you can't leave them and still be friends with them. Very very few are unbrainwashed enough to think for themselves. They feel that to still be friends with me is being disloyal to their Society. I know they probably still care for me and wish I'd come back, but, wild horses from hell couldn't drag me back. There are times when I want to call one friend in particular, but, I know she will NEVER leave the Society. When I was still in she was telling me the horrible things that her and her husband had gone thru, including the removal of Mark from his position as elder, and they still stayed "loyal to Jehovah".


  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    There were many kind people in my congregations. I experienced many acts of kindness. However, I have found that I witness even more acts of kindness since I left, and the stories the WTS tells to make us think that kindness is unknown outside the WTS... well, we all know better now, don't we?

    People are wonderful... most of the time. The WTS does not really support people in developing their wonderfulness.

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