Organ donation?

by xenawarrior 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • heathen

    Waiting until there is no cardiac function does make organ donation very difficult.

    I think you have given my argument some credibility . I'm trying to remember some documentaries I've seen on the subject , I think it was 60 minutes that took a look at the whole organ donor thing , can't say for sure tho . I do know that they definately said what you did about the very close margin from death to disecting parts out of people being a very slim margin and of course hospitals were more sympathetic to recipients than to the actual donor . BTW , if hospitals don't determine the legality of death then who does? Of course nothing will change my opinion of the whole thing , I am only looking out for my own interests and not ashamed to admit it . I know for certain that I would never be a recipient either .Just to ensure there is no hypocritical stance

  • forgetmenot

    Does anyone have WT references (volume, article, page#, etc.) for WT viewpoint on organ donation? Thanks!

  • gumby

    I don't know what I want done with my body anymore........I used to though.

    The thought of removing parts of me or being cremated, gives me the freakin willy's anymore. I'm thinkin of stayin intact just in case after I go.............they figure out a way to bring back corpses. ( gawd that sounds awfull). I think egyptian mummys look pretty damn good for their age, so if I'm dead for a couple hundred years and science moves this direction with success.......then it will be easier to resurrect me instead of lookin all over the damn country for "Gumby Parts".


  • Sam Beli
    Sam Beli

    "?the very close margin from death to disecting parts out of people being a very slim margin?"

    Remember, your statement is true in many "eastern" parts of the world, not the United States where brain death is the factor determining death.
    "?of course hospitals were more sympathetic to recipients than to the actual donor."

    Not true. Often, the two (donor and recipient) are not in the same hospital; and often not even in the same city or same state. Even if the two are in the same hospital, your statement is a false indictment of the doctors and others involved. Transplant surgeons, as a whole, are among the most ethical persons I know.

    "BTW , if hospitals don't determine the legality of death then who does?"

    Physicians do; they are usually independent business men and women, not employees of the hospital.

    "Of course nothing will change my opinion of the whole thing."

    Why are we having this discussion?

    "I know for certain that I would never be a recipient either .Just to ensure there is no hypocritical stance"

    Easy for many to say when not faced with terminal illness that could be corrected with a solid organ transplant. I do not know if you are terminally ill, but primary care physicians tell me that patients faced with death are usually very open to the miracles that modern medicine can offer.

  • xenawarrior

    wow, some interesting discussion here. I guess I've never heard of what heathen is referring to so I can't comment on any of that.

    I've always been a donor myself. One thing I would recommend to anyone who is a donor- make sure that your family is aware of your wishes. The staff at the hospital may not have your drivers license available and in some cases the signature on it isn't enough to indicate your intentions.

    I figure if I can help someone else live and I'm no longer here- why not?

  • 2escaped lifers
    2escaped lifers

    Sam, great points, ALL! Now that we're out there are several issues that we have to decide our position on. This is one that I think will be decided if the situation arises. Lot's to consider!!! Stephanie

  • onintwo

    Yes! I'm an orgasm donor. Just ask my wife.


  • missylissy
    How do you feel about organ donation now? Are you a donor? Would you consider a live donation of an organ such as the liver which would rejuvenate itself?

    I've actually thought about this a lot lately. I was never a JW so i was never discouraged from any of these kinds of things. I am not a donor. I talked to my mom about it, because i really wanted to. but now im really not so sure. and, i really dont know if i could reseve a donation from someone else. i really dont know.


  • drwtsn32

    LOL onintwo!

  • heathen

    Xenawarrior-- I highly recomend that people make an informed decission on the issue and not take something off of this site as undisputed fact . I know here in texas I've heard rumor of a change in the law from signing the back of your license to the hell with what you think we are just going to take what we want . The case I was siting involved a family disputing with the hospital over the donor being actually dead before they took parts . It was a long time ago so don't have all the facts .

    Sam beli-- That is so right , it's pointless to argue over something that is a private choice .

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