Are you *really* into something?

by DanTheMan 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I think I have waaay too much time on my hands. I have a lot of interests and it seems they have my attention for a while and then I move on to the next one and then back and forth

    • Drawing. (mostly hands for some odd reason)
    • writing (cookbooks, poetry and recovery articles)
    • knitting and crochet (afghans and baby clothes but used to do my children's sweaters)
    • sewing (used to make my children's clothes including coats and have done wedding dresses)
    • computers (building and repairing them)
    • genealogy (have traced one side of the family back to the 1500's)
    • recipe collecting (came out of the cookbooks we did here)
    • book collecting (almost 700 about various aspects of abuse but at one time had 1200)
    • furniture refinishing
    • upholstery
    • photography (both film and digital)

    Ok now I'm tired and need to go knit (right now working on a christening gown and blanket)

  • DanTheMan

    Thanks for your responses everyone! I'm not going to respond to all of them, sorry!

    Onintwo, blech I *hate* golf! Reminds me too much of my time with the JW's where I spent *way* too much money trying to keep up with the brothers at the wealthy suburban cong I attended.

    pr_capone, Texas hold 'em seems to be a popular game, congratulations on your ranking!

    Lady Lee, 1200 books on abuse??? Did you read all of them?? Are you one of those people that plows through a book in a couple of hours?

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee
    Lady Lee, 1200 books on abuse???

    I had to get rid of some when I moved west but I am collecting again. They cover physical, emotional, sexual, spiritual and elder abuse as well as cults, addictions and recovery. They span psychology, socialogy, psychiatry, social work, religion and self-help

    Did you read all of them??

    Probably about 95% of them

    Are you one of those people that plows through a book in a couple of hours?
    Sometimes but it depends on the book. The academic one take a bit more time
  • Princess

    I really love running. I ran two half marathons last year along with some 5 & 10K runs. Last month I ran a full marathon. Now we are getting ready for biking season. The first bike ride for the Pacific NW is next Sunday. It's a 33 mile hill ride around Bainbride Island. Two weeks later is the St Patrick's Day dash, a 3.5 mile run from Seattle Center to Safeco Field. I am hoping to run another half marathon in April and this year I'd like to do some duathlons (run-bike-run). Also planning on the Seattle to Portland bicycle classic, a 206 mile bike ride in one or two days (we ride 2). There is more but i suspect I've already lost my readers at this point.

    I also like to scrapbook our lives! My kids are five and seven so we do lots of fun stuff.


  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    I'm not to much into the mechanics of the police cars, I just like the pictures of the different types of police cars and paint schemes used throughout the years, although I do follow up a little of engine types and technolgies.

    And I love police motorcycles, especially the Harley.

  • Sirona

    I've got quite a few hobbies. I tend to be engrossed in something for a few months and then move on to something else.

    Here is a summary

    * Reading (can't get enough) - usually its about my current obsession. At the moment I'm reading books about the nature of the universe and pretty soon my book by Carl Sagan will arrive. I'm also reading a Jack Higgins book right now

    * Wicca related activities. Although wicca is my religion, it also allows a lot of hobbies - such as Tarot, Scrying, Rituals and seasonal observances, crystals etc.

    * Reiki - this has been a current interest for me. I LOVE IT. I've been doing healings for friends and family and they're all pretty impressed with the results. I have a certificate for Reiki Master / Teacher

    * Belly Dancing (officially - Egyptian Dance). I've been attending classes and its lots of fun!

    * Yoga - Good for body and soul. I actually like the challenge of Yoga (learning the asanas)

    * Cooking. I love cooking healthy meals - and I love spicy food :)

    * Psychology - I'm still in the middle of my degree. With being unwell I stopped for a while, and I work full time aswell. I love reading psychology related books.

    * Fell Walking - When we get chance, my fiance and I like to walk up the mountains. I've done Snowden but not Scafell Pike (yet)

    The rest of my hobby time is spent chilling out with my cats (watching TV) and seeing family,


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