Its that time of the year again

by Nadsam 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Nadsam

    Beware all ,lurkers ,faders and all wannabees and ex dubs....


    Its mem-bore-ial season and the hunt is on.....for YOU!

    Plan your escape TODAY!!!! For pity's sake !

    The end is nigh

    Greetings, Nadsam (I'm locking the door, drawing the shades,scanning my calls and getting under my bed...NOW!)

  • Mulan

    I got my call yesterday. I handled it okay. Done for another year.

  • Maverick

    Yes sir, it's time to dust off Jesus and prop him up in the corner. You can tell how old the Hall is by whether he has a beard or not! Maverick

  • Carmel

    Dang, noone ever invites me to a wine tasting party where you don't getta actually taste it! They must know I'm already a teetotaler so the symbolism would be lost on me... that's gotta be it..


  • Momofmany

    This will be the first year I haven't gone. Just haven't broke the news to the family yet. Any advice on how to tell them. I am working on my diplomacy. I don't want to go off half cocked. Thanks for any helpful words.

  • Maverick

    Dear Monofmany: Maybe tell them you really love the Christ and feel he is not getting his just reward by the WTS. He is more than a prop, he is the savior. And if they honestly look at the way he is displayed by the WTS they should be able to see he has a greater role and meaning than they give him. I wish you peace, Maverick

  • Sassy

    this will be the first year I haven't gone too...

    but no one is going to call and invite me. No one cared I quit going at all.

  • avengers

    I doubt if I will get a call.

    I am beyond all hope!
    I am a danger to their spiritualty!
    I am a bad person.
    I draw my kids away from Jehovah.

    Anyway that's how the dubbs see me. Nice heh to have a governing body that teaches this crap?

    Do they really care about me?

  • a wee scots lass
    a wee scots lass

    I have not been for years but think I may go this year to hand out some info about the whole UN issue. It would be great to ruffle a few feathers! I will have to give this idea some serious thought.

  • galaxy7

    Im going this year and I will drink some wine and toast you all

    I wish I had the courage to do that!!

    I think next to boring memorials witness funerals come a close second

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