How Do You View Pets - new article

by puppylove 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • puppylove

    Has anyone read this? I had it shoved in my face in the Subway at 42nd street this morning by the JW drone who stands there. As usual, I controlled my urge to kick her, but the title of the article caught my eye, pet lover that I am.

    I would assume it lays a load of guilt on anyone who holds their pet in high esteem.

  • JH

    I love pets also. Let us know what the article says. I guess it must say that if you have a pet, it takes away valuable time that could have been used to adore Jehovah or prepare the meetings or go in the field service.

  • dustyb

    i'm a manly man, but i have a little yorkie terrier (like a teacup dog). and if anyone ever hurts it i will make sure their life will be as miserable as possible muhahaha. that dog is dedicated to me. it sleeps with me and follows me around and eats with me and studies with me and browses the internet with me and watches TV with me and so on and so forth. its my twin.

  • blondie

    The position of the WTS is that pets are dirty and diseased and take money and time away from the more important spiritual things.


  • outnfree


    Are you seriously summarizing that article, or are you just opining what we might assume the article to say? I must say that my gut reaction was: Take up too much time, prevent long hours in service (have to go home to take out/feed the dog/cat/hamsters/iguanas--or, if you're a certain Texan, the hedgehogs), are expensive if you count in food and visits to the vet. But did the 'tower actually call them dirty and diseased?


  • SC_Guy

    I didn't read the artical on it... the awakes are just getting so dang stupid these days. Just a little while ago we had one on taxes... give me a break.

  • talley

    Puppylove, yes, read it and give us the 'jist' of the article.

    I, for one, live for my Dog. talley/Judy

  • InquiryMan

    I just skimmed through the article. It did not, as far as I saw, portray such a negative attitude as suggested above. However, keep in mind that Awake is also aimed at the mainstream public much more so than the Watchtower. An article in the Watchtower entitled: Beware of the danger of Pets would have had a different angle, I?d suppose!

  • dustyb

    i remember there was some article that did say pets took too much time out of the preaching work. i forgot which exact one it was, maybe i'll find it at

  • blondie
    Are you seriously summarizing that article, or are you just opining what we might assume the article to say?

    I haven't seen this article yet, outnfree. That was a summary of previous articles.


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