Yankee or Dixie?

by closer2fine 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Maverick

    Hey Mary, you must be from Southern Canada!

    I got 75% Dixie, but have lived in New England...15 years, California...6 years, Michigan...7months and Florida...27 years. Maverick

  • undercover
    You must be from Southern Canada! Maverick

    Aren't all Canadians southern Canadians?

    (quickly explains before getting beat to death with hockey sticks: I heard that 90% of all Canandians live within 100 miles of the US border)

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    What! I scored 60% (dixie) "a definitife southern score"

    But I am a third generation New Yorker; I have only seen the movie "Gone with the Wind " once; ( all right, I did read the book, too)

    How is this possible?

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    50% (Yankee). Barely into the Yankee category.

    But I can say "tar-pole-le-an", "A-rab", "um-brella", and "po-liceman" - I can even use them all in a sentence!

    California farm counrty, settled by Dust Bowl refugees from all over.

  • onacruse


    California...6 years

    Polluted, totally polluted, I say!

    And Phantom, you really must stop swimming in the Willamette.

  • asleif_dufansdottir

    44% (Yankee). Barely into the Yankee category.

    Yankee vs Dixie doesn't work so well in the western half of the US!

    And it's POP dammit!!!

  • itsallgoodnow

    Can y'all beleive I'm really a yankee?, but only barely. that was fun.

  • a wee scots lass
    a wee scots lass

    What a laugh - I was more dipsy (bbc teletubbies!) than Dixie and more LaLa and Po ( more teletubbies) than Yankee. We ahve very few of these terms over here but I tried to answer based on my memories from living in US as a small child.

  • LyinEyes

    I don't even need to take this test,,,,,,,,has anyone heard me on the telephone?? I am soooooooo Dixie, country, southern , Cajun, it is just plumb pitifull really. And, try as I may, the southern accent is thicker than grandma's gravey. But, I can tell ya a little something about us Southerner's, we love to have company , we love to feed ya, take ya to the local watering hole(bar) and we wouldnt have it any other way. In fact ya just might piss us off if you refuse our southern hospitality.........hehe.

  • shotgun

    49% Yankee...does that mean I'm 51% Pixie

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